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Aim of the Juvenile Justice System


Aim of the Juvenile Justice System 


The juvenile justice system is a progressive system targeting the reformation of deviant children and  give  recuperation for vulnerable children. A juvenile is a child or  young adult under the age of 18. Youth offenders are generally nominated as juvenile delinquents, which means an act done by a  young person which goes against society’s morals. Subsequently juvenile justice means to  give just, fair and  indifferent justice to these youth offenders. Hence the juvenile justice system in India deals with children in conflict with the law and their  recuperation. Parliament created the Juvenile Justice Act in 1986 which was  later abolished and replaced with the juvenile justice( Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 and subsequently the 2015 act to establish a more robust and effective system to fill the gaps.  The reason for this delinquency is due to factors such as lack of education, lack of proper social environment, poor economic conditions, etc. The aim of the juvenile justice system is grounded on the rights of the child. Juvenile justice focuses on prevention as a primary ideal as well as makes custody a permission of last resort and for the shortest possible period of time while taking into account the effects on the victim and community. The role and  objective of the juvenile justice system in India are  vital in  icing the care, protection, and  recuperation of children in conflict with the law and children in need of care and protection. The Juvenile Justice System In India is an absolute necessity as enumerated by the following reasons –

1) To safeguard the community from offenses committed by youth offenders 

2) To hold the offenders liable for their crimes  

3) To  give  personalized assessments to rehabilitate and prevent further delinquent behavior through the development of educational, vocational, social, emotional and basic life skills which will help in their reintegration into society

4) To  give the  lawbreaker and all other parties involved a fair and just hearing 

Aim of the Juvenile Justice System

In conclusion, the legislation strives to achieve a balance between child rights and justice by not condemning juveniles to the death  judgment , life imprisonment or rigorous imprisonment so The Act basically establishes a  invariant  frame for the country’s juvenile justice system,  icing that the rights & interests of children are  defended by law. The main  ideal is to  give care and  recuperation to the offenders by not give them the most rigorous punishment. It created the foundation for treating culprits effectively and fairly in cases involving significant crimes done by juvenile offenders.




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