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Analysis of Unemployment in India.


This article is written by Geetanjali Seth,student at institute of law,NMIMS Mumbai.


The  topic to be discussed about in this article is going to be Analysis of Unemployment in India.


India is the world’s second largest populated country after China.At current the population of India is an about 1.4 billion people,which account 18% of the total population of the world.The problem of unemployment is very critical around the globe,so is in India.With the rapid increase of population the problem of unemployment has become more severe.At current the total workforce of India is 471 million.Not taking away the impact of Covid-19 which has hit the world and has affected the people around the globe.So many people around the globe have lost their jobs.The most important defiance the growing economies face is the problem of unemployment and economic development.Since the independence of India the two major challenges that India has to face was unemployment and poverty alleviation.Young people are considered as the most valuable assets of any economy.The forces which bring the change ,economic development and bring the new technological innovations young people plays an important role in bringing the change.The unemployment of youth is considered as major economic development dilemma of twenty first century.

With the increase in the population of young people as a result of the demographic dividend or youth bulge looks to be main factor of India’s economic growth in future.Unemployment is the main problem in India and it is very much credited to the negative development of economic activities,using other means like technology as a substitution of labour,and an increase in the supply of workforce in the economy.Unemployment is the everyday problem of Indian economy.Indian economy was facing these serious challenges from 1980s when the country was functioning under a “one sector growth model”India had under taken new steps in the early 1990s to curtail the rising unemployment problem and static growth,but the consequences of these policies have taken behind the economic and employment growth,leads to increase in unemployment.

The two major challenges that create problems for common man are rise in inflation and unemployment.The major economic goals that an economy wants to achieve are high GDP,Price Stability and low unemployment.They are the most desirable goals that an economy wants to accomplish.Inflation is a term which is used when the price of the goods and services in the economy increases and it depreciates the value of money and lessens the purchasing power of the household.The unemployement condition arises in the economy when the supply of the labour  increases in the labour market.

Unemployment in India:Unemployment has long been a first rate problem for India. International agencies like ILO have expected that India’s unemployment rate will grow throughout in the coming years  and it seeks to discover how economic booms will affect India’s unemployment rate.In this observe,gross home product was taken into consideration as an indicator of economic increase.

The growth in the percentage of young humans due to the demographic dividend and teens bulge seems to be one of the causes of India’s future economic increase.

Employement Generation Schemes/Programmes by Government of India

Employment generation coupled with improving employability is the priority of Government.Accordingly,the Government of India has taken various steps for generating employment in the country.For example the Atmanirbhar Bharat Rojgar Yojana by the  Ministry of Labour and Employment.ARBY was launched with effect from 1st October,2020 as part of Atmanirbhar Bharat package 3.0 to inc tpentivize employers for creation of new employment along with the social security benefits and restoration of loss of employment during the Covid-19pandemic.

Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana by the Ministry of Labour and Employement.PMRPY was launched  with effect from 1.4.2016 to incentivise employers for creation of new employment.

National Career Service Project by Ministry of Labour and Employment was a project for transformation of the National Employment Service to provide a variety of career related services like job matching,career counselling,vocational guidance,information on skill development courses,apprenticeship internships.

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana by the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship is the flagship scheme of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship implemented by the National Skill Development Corporation.The objective of this skill Certification scheme is to enable Indian youth to take up industry relevant skill training that will help them in securing a better livelihood.

Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana by the Ministry of Finance is a scheme launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister on Apr 8th 2015 for providing loans for around 10 lakhs to the non-corporate firms ;these loans are called MUDRA loans.


In Chiranjit Lal Chowdhuri vs The Union of India and Others on 4th December,1950 it was seen that unemployment has diverse ill effects like getting addicted to  drugs which happened in this case and alchohol or attempting to suicide,leading to losses to the human resources of the country.

In the Delhi Horticulture case also it was seen how unemployment affects the country as the workforce that could have been gainfully employed to  generate resources actually gets depemdent on the remaining working population thus escalating socio-economic costs for the state.For instance,a 1%increase in unemployment reduces the GDP by 2%

Unemployed persons can easily be enticed by antisocial elements.This makes them lose faith in the democratic values in the country.It gives rise to poverty and the government suffers extra borrowing burden because unemployment causes a decrease in production and less consumption of goods and services by the people.


The problem of unemployment has been a widely increasing problem which needs stringent laws to be implememented to deal with the situation.Unemployment is a ever increasing problem that needs to be tackled.It results in loss of millions of lives and jobs.Effort should be put to check growing cases of unemployment.


To what extent has unemployment affected the country?

Unemployment is an ever increasing  problem that has spread its legs far and wide and it has affected the country resulting in strikes among employers in factories and millions of people losing their jobs resulting in loss of livelihood and lives and only proper laws implemented by the government can solve the crisis.

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