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Author:- Riya, Second year student at Jindal Global Law School, Sonipat Delhi NCR. 


In the complex and evolving landscape of privacy rights, the clash between an individual’s right to privacy and the societal imperative for disclosure of dreadful diseases has become a focal point of legal debates in India. The right to privacy is a fundamental right protected by the Indian Constitution, while public health concerns often necessitate the disclosure of certain medical conditions. This article aims to critically examine this delicate balance through the lens of Indian legal cases, shedding light on the challenges courts face in reconciling conflicting interests. Laws are dynamic because they are enacted to regulate societal behavior and practices, and they reflect the attitudes of society at a given time. The Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act, which aims to prevent female feticide, the Persons with Disabilities Act, which empowers and promotes equality and participation of people with disabilities, and the Medical Council of India’s Code of Ethics Regulations, which establish professional standards for medical practice, are a few recent examples. Generally speaking, the general laws pertaining to healthcare are insufficiently strong since they do not sufficiently incorporate measures for confidentiality and privacy. There isn’t a unified law in India that expressly safeguards health information privacy. In general, the current legal system is intricate and deficient. Two essential components of the doctor-patient relationship are confidentiality and privacy. All pertinent information, the majority of which is extremely sensitive in nature (physical functions, sexual activities, medical history, etc.), must be disclosed by patients in a way that makes them feel comfortable.

Doctors can then provide the appropriate diagnosis and treatment with this information.

In order to make the best medical decisions possible, patients are encouraged by medical privacy to seek out information and assistance in order to completely comprehend and weigh all of their alternatives. By protecting those seeking morally dubious medical care from outside criticism and decision-making intervention, it fosters individual autonomy.


The Right to Privacy is a fundamental human right that serves as the cornerstone of personal freedom and autonomy. However, in the context of disclosing dreadful diseases, a complex ethical dilemma arises, forcing society to grapple with conflicting principles. In India, where cultural, social, and legal landscapes are diverse, striking a balance between individual privacy and the need for disclosure in the face of life-threatening illnesses poses unique challenges. This article explores the nuances of this debate, employing Indian case examples to shed light on the complexities involved.

The right to privacy, though not explicitly mentioned in the Indian Constitution, has been recognized as a fundamental right by the Supreme Court through various landmark judgments. The 2017 judgment in the Puttaswamy case solidified privacy as an intrinsic aspect of personal liberty, dignity, and autonomy. Against this backdrop, the tension between privacy rights and disease disclosure must be analyzed by courts.

In the realm of healthcare, individual autonomy is a paramount principle. Patients have the right to control their personal health information and make decisions about their treatment without undue interference. Medical confidentiality, an integral part of healthcare ethics, further reinforces the notion that individuals should be able to trust healthcare providers with sensitive information without fear of unwarranted disclosure.


The intersection of the right to privacy and the disclosure of dreadful diseases in India has been marred by various concerns and controversies. Several cases have highlighted the ethical, legal, and societal challenges when balancing individual privacy with the imperative of disclosing medical information for public health reasons.


The intersection of the right to privacy and the imperative to disclose dreadful diseases poses a significant challenge in the legal landscape. Striking the right balance between individual privacy and public health considerations requires a nuanced approach.


The right to privacy and the disclosure of dreadful diseases presents a challenging intersection in the Indian legal landscape. While the right to privacy is paramount, the state’s duty to protect public health necessitates careful calibration. Striking the right balance requires a harmonious interplay of legal safeguards, ethical considerations, and a commitment to respecting individual autonomy. As India continues to evolve its legal framework and grapple with emerging health crises, a nuanced approach is imperative to uphold fundamental rights without compromising public health imperatives. Lack of safeguards, implementation, redressal processes, and judicial passivity are among the problems that keep coming up. However, public litigation pertaining to health has increased dramatically over the past 20 years. The legal cases of Mr. “X” v. Hospital “Z” and Ms. X vs. Mr. Z & Anr. are two noteworthy instances that emphasize the right to medical privacy. Concerns about privacy, disclosure, confidentiality, and ethical use of information have been raised by the Mother and Child Tracking System in India, an e-governance initiative that gathers data on all pregnant women and infants to guarantee the delivery of maternal and child health services from conception to 42 days after delivery for pregnant women and up to five years for children, as well as the UID objective of health and health-related development schemes as a “killer application”. In the 2009lxxxvi case of Secretary General, Supreme Court of India v. Subhash Chandra Agarwal, the Delhi High Court ruled that Section 8(1)(j) of the RTI Act prohibits the disclosure of “personal information including tax returns, medical records, etc.” The Court argued, however, that the bar preventing disclosure would be lifted if it could be demonstrated that there was a sufficient public interest in its disclosure. The authority would then be able to disclose the information after properly notifying the third party—that is, the person whose records are being sought or for whom the information is relevant—and taking his opinions into consideration.

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