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Connubial force(Marital Rape) And Criminalization Of Sexual Assault Within Marriage 

Connubial force(Marital Rape) And Criminalization Of Sexual Assault Within Marriage 

Author: Anjali Tamta , a Student of Janhit college of law 



Preface connubial rape isn’t a unique term that has began now; it has come into action from the day of a martial relationship of a men with a woman. connubial rape, the violation of an existent’s autonomy within the confines of match, has long been a contraversial and a pervasive yet frequently overlooked issues, has gained adding attention in recent years. Connubial rape is no lower than or a part of rape. This  legal composition seeks to examine the imperative to criminalize sexual assault within the bounds of marriage, slipping light on the complications and the social recrimination of such a shift. 

Defining Connubial force

Force connubial rape is an evil act that exists in society. connubial rape also known as” Conjugal rape” refers to non- consensual sexual acts executed by one partner against the other without concurrence by force, the trouble of force or abuse, physical or psychological violence. The lack of concurrence is the essential element and need not involve physical violence. Before when the society was a manly dominated bones, and women weren’t have any right to cover their quality and integrity, and were regarded as an object to fulfill the sexual desire of man.

 Literal environment on Connubial force 

Historically, numerous legal systems have exempted conjugal rape for execution, viewing marriage as an irrevocable concurrence to sexual exertion, the treatment of connubial rape within legal fabrics has experienced significant elaboration. 

1. Common Law Tradition 

* Traditionally, common law systems, including English common law, didn’t honored the conception of connubial rape. Marriage was frequently consider as irrevocable concurrence to sexual relationship.

 2. Elaboration in the 20th Century

 * In the 20th century, there was a gradational shifting legal perspectives, told by changing societal stations towards women’s right and autonomy. 

* Numerous authorities began to admit that marriage doesn’t indicate mask concurrence to sexual exertion.

 3. Legal Recognition 

* Several countries including India started feting and criminalizing connubial rape during the ultimate half of the 20th century.

 * The drive for legal reforms was frequently driven  the women’s rights movement and an adding mindfulness of domestic violence issues. 

4. International Norms 

* International mortal rights conventions and covenants, similar as the convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Demarcation Against Women( CEDAW), played a part in establishing norms that encouraged countries to address connubial rape as a mortal rights violation. 

5. Legal Activism and Advocacy

 * The criminalization of connubial rape varies extensively acress juridiction, reflecting different culture, religious and social stations. some countries have honored the imperative to cover consorts from sexual violence within marriage, making laws that criminalize connubial rape. still, in other regions, legal frame still lag before, immortalizing a gap in protection for victims. 

International Conventions on Connubial force 

still, several transnational mortal rights conventions and agreements address the broader issue of violence against women, including connubial rape. There are many crucial conventions that contribute to the transnational frame against gender- grounded violence 

1. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Demarcation Against Women( CEDAW)

 * CEDAW is a comprehensive convention that focuses on the rights of women and aims to exclude demarcation against women. while it does not explicitly mentioning martial rape, CEDAW obliges countries parties to take measures to exclude violence against women, including in the family. Several general recommendations by the CEDAW commission emphasize the need to address and help violence within connubial relationships.

 2. Istanbul Convention( Council of Europe Convention on precluding and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence)

* The Istanbul Convention is a indigenous convention that specifically addresses violence against women and domestic violence. It obliges parties to criminalize colorful forms of violence, including physical, sexual, and cerebral violence within the family, thereby encompassing the issue of connubial rape.

3. United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women * This non- binding protestation recognizes violence against women as a violation of mortal rights. It includes vittles addressing physical, sexual, and cerebral violence, emphasizing the need to exclude violence in the family and within connections. 

Indian Laws on Marital force

 * Under Indian Penal Code( IPC) 

Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code(IPC) defines rape but includes an exception clause, stating that sexual intercourse by a man with his woman, not below 15 years, isn’t rape. this exception has drawn review for immortalizing the notion that a hubby has legal right to demand sexual submission from his woman . In October 2017 the Supreme Court of India increased the age of woman is to 18 years.

 While the Justice Verma Committee, formed after the 2012 Nirbhaya Gang rape, recommended criminalizing connubial rape, posterior legislative emendations failed to incorporate this pivotal reforms. Arguments against criminalization frequently cite enterprises about abuse of laws and implicit detriment to the institution of marriage. Still, lawyers stress that feting connubial rape as a crime is essential for icing the protection of women’s rights and well- being.

Some argues that existing legal vittles, similar as domestic violence laws and atrocity under section 498A of the IPC, can address connubial rape laterally. still, these laws primarily concentrate on physical and internal atrocity, leaving gaps in addressing the violation of a woman’s sexual autonomy within marriage. A special laws against connubial rape would gesture a commitment to feting and addressing this form of violence exhaustively.

 * Under Constitution of India Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, guarantees the right to life and particular liberty. Proponents of criminalizing connubial rape argues that the denial of a women autonomy over her body within the bounds of marriage infringes abecedarian rights, it contend that connubial rape laws would strengthen the indigenous protection of women’s quality and fleshly integrity. Criminalizing connubial rape may disaccord with the right to sequestration, a hand of Composition 21 honored in corner judgment in JusticeK.S. Puttaswamy v Union of India, it contend that the countries intrusion into the private realm of connubial relations may violate the indigenous guarantee of individual sequestration.

Arguments in Criminalizing in Connubial Rape:

Key points from each prospective:-

Arguments in Favour of Criminalizing Connubial  Rape:

1. Individual Autonomy and Dignity:

⦁ criminalizing connubial rape is essential to uphold an individual’s right to autonomy and dignity, irrespective of their marital status.

⦁ The right to personal freedom and control over one’s body is considered as fundamental right and marriage should not be a waiver of this right.

 2. Gender Equality:

⦁ Advocates emphasize the need to eliminate gender- based discrimination. Exempting connubial  rape from criminal sanctions perpetuates unequal treatment by implying that married women lack protection against sexual violence.

 3. Deterrence and Accountability:

⦁ Making connubial rape a criminal offense establishes a clear deterrent against such acts. it holds perpetrators accountable for the actions and sends a strong message that sexual violence within the confines of marriage is not condoned by society or the legal system.

 4. Creates a Safe Environment:

⦁ Criminalizing connubial  rape contributes to create a safer environment for individual within marriage. It encourage survivors to come forward, report, abuse, and seek legal protection without fear of societal stigma or legal repercussions.

 5. Legal Consistency:

⦁ Recognize connubial  rape as a criminal offense brings consistency in the legal framework. it eliminates the current disparity in treatment between sexual violence within marriage and other forms of rape, aligning with the broader principles of justice and equality.

Arguments Against Criminalizing Connubial  Rape:

1. Privacy and State Intervention:

 Opponents argue that criminalizing connubial rape might lead to unwarranted state intervention in private affairs. The right to privacy, recognized by the constitution, may conflict with the states involvement in connubial  relations.

2. Potential For Misuse:

 Concerns are raised about false accusations and the potential for misuse of marital rape laws in acrimonious divorce proceedings. skeptics argue that stringent laws may expose innocent spouses to false allegations.

3. Impact on Marital Harmony:

 Some argues that criminalizing marital rape could negatively impact marital harmony they contend that addressing such issues through counseling or civil remedies might be more conducive to preserving relationships.

4. Existing Legal Framework:

 Critics points to the existing legal provisions, such as domestic violence laws, as avenues for addressing spousal abuse. Argues that additional legislation specifically targeting marital rape may be redundant.

Types of Connubial  Rape:

Legal scholars recognize various forms of connubial  rape that are:-

1. Physical Force Connubial  Rape:

 Scholars acknowledge cases where physical force is employed to coerce a spouse into non- consensual sexual acts. This involves overt acts of violence to subjugate the victim.

2. Coercive Control Connubial  Rape:

 Legal scholars recognize instances where coercive control tactics, such as emotional manipulation, economic abuse, or psychological threats, are used to compel a partner into unwanted sexual activities.

3. Constructive Force connubial Rape:

 This type involves situations where there might not be overt physical force, but circumstances create an environment where the spouse feels compelled to submit to sexual acts against their will.

4. Connubial Rape as a Form of Domestic Violence:

 Scholars emphasize the interconnectedness of marital rape and domestic violence, understanding that sexual violence often occurs within a border pattern of abusive behaviour.

Case Laws on Connubial  Rape:

1. Independent Thought vs. Union of India (2017): The Supreme Court of India criminalized sex with a minor wife aged between 15 and 18 years, acknowledging that sexual intercourse with a minor wife is a form of rape. While this ruling doesn’t directly address marital rape, it highlights legal developments regarding sexual relations within marriage.

2. Landmark Decision in England (1991): In the case of R v R, the House of Lords (now the Supreme Court) in England ruled that the marital rape exemption was no longer valid. This decision played a pivotal role in acknowledging that a husband could be charged with raping his wife.

3. State of Maharashtra v. Madhkar Narayan Mardikar (1991): While not directly related to marital rape, this case is significant as it recognized that a wife can charge her husband with rape if she withdraws her consent during intercourse. The case underscores the importance of voluntary and ongoing consent in marital relations.

4. Sakshi v. Union of India (2004): Sakshi, a women’s rights organization, filed a PIL in the Supreme Court seeking directions for the effective implementation of laws related to violence against women, including marital rape. The case reflects efforts by advocacy groups to address gaps in legal probe.

Suggestions for Reforms Addressing Marital Rape:

Several suggestions for reforms addressing marital rape:

1. Criminalization and Legislation: 

Advocate for explicit criminalization of marital rape in legal frameworks. Clearly define and categorize different forms of marital rape to ensure comprehensive legal coverage.

2. Removal of Marital Immunity: 

Eliminate any legal provisions that provide immunity or exemptions for spouses in cases of sexual assault. Recognize that marriage should not serve as a shield against prosecution for sexual violence.

3. Consent Education: 

Implement educational programs aimed at promoting a nuanced understanding of consent within the context of marriage. Ensure that individuals are aware of their rights and the importance of mutual agreement in intimate relationships.

4. Support Services:

 Establish accessible and confidential support services for survivors, including counseling, legal assistance, and shelters. Create awareness campaigns to destigmatize seeking help and reporting marital rape.

5. Legal Aid and Awareness: 

Provide legal aid and awareness programs to ensure that survivors understand their legal rights and have the resources to pursue justice. Training legal professionals on handling connubial  rape cases is crucial.


In the pursuit of justice and the protection of individual rights, the criminalization of marital rape emerges as an imperative step. It acknowledges the evolving societal understanding of consent, gender equality, and the need to ensure the safety and autonomy of individuals within the institution of marriage. While challenges persist, the global community must continue to advocate for legal reforms that prioritize the well-being and dignity of all, irrespective of their connubial status.

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