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Custodial Deaths in india : Examining Reasons and possible solutions

Author:-   J. Rajarajeswari, BALLB, 5th year , student of Alliance university, Alliance school of law

Abstract :- 

This Article focused on the concept of custodial death in india. This article aims to examine the Reasons for the continuance of custodial death in india along with cases. The hon’ble Supreme Court has pronounced several judgement in which they have criminalised police brutality. But, There are nearly 4500 custodial death in India between 2020 and 2022, as stated by the minister of state for home affairs. Even though the Supreme Court had laid down some guideline to be followed like installation of cameras in the police station etc.. the custodial deaths are keep reporting. Then, this article would provide  a possible solutions to combat the custodial death.

Key words:- Affairs, Brutality, Custodial death, India, police. 

Reasons for the continuance of custodial death in India:- 

The custodial violence takes place not only in the police custody. But also is the judicial custody – where an individual tortured it includes rape and death. The countries like India the custodial torture is not a new one. It is a old concept. It has a long history from the British period. Nearly 4500 custodial deaths between the period of 2020 to 2022 had happened according to the union government. That’s on average 6 people dying every day in police custody. DK Basu (Vs) state of West Bengal – in this case judgement where the Supreme Court has laid down guidelines to be followed in all cases of arrest and detention – it include a medical examination every 48 hours during custody. The supreme court has also ordered that cctv cameras with night vision and audio be installed at every police station. As of November 2020 only 14 states have complied. States like Andhra , Karnataka and Telangana had not filed compliance reports with the Supreme Court. However, the sad reality is that many of these safeguards remain simply on paper. Not only this, The hon’ble Supreme Court has pronounced several judgement in which they have criminalised police brutality.  The problem is it’s keep happening in India and the reasons includes.

Case laws:- Vadakara custodial death:- 


Anti torture bill :-   After the death of of the George floyd in US and the custodial death of jeyarai and Fenix at sathankulam police station had raised a lot of concern about the matter. Death of the George floyd in Us resulted in heavy protest and as a result of protest the congress had introduced a police reform bill. Along with this it is discussed to maintain a national database which will register all police misconducts. Will this bill turn into a law, the time will only tell about this. But the same kind of bill was discussed in India also. 

It was around 13 years before, it has been discussed in parliament. But not yet passed. Globally it was discussed first time by the United Nations in 1975. As we all know that India is a member of UN, so if any laws of UN has to be applied, then we have to make a law by the parliament. So making the UN convention Againt torture 1975 a law, a bill was presented in Lok Sabha in 2010 named as the prevention of torture Bill 2010. According to this bill if any public servants commits a torture. Then punishment has prescribed against him. 

And it further says that if any public servants torture any individual fir deriving any Information or his confession, If her hurts that individual grievously or torture his life , limb mentally or physically. Then all these things will be considered as torture and a giant this act there is a punishment of 10 years. After being passed by Lok Sabha it comes to Rajya Sabha and for further consideration. But, till now this bill has to been passed by Rajya Sabha yet. 

In the year of 2017, the law commission said that they are seriously considering about the bill. But before passing the bill there should be changes done in Indian penal code, Indian Evidence Act and criminal procedure Act. It seems like a tough work. In the year of 2019thete we’re around 1700 custodial deaths. It actually increasing. 

Conclusion :- 

Though we have many provisions in the law penalising the custodial violence. The sad reality is that the custodial death continues to exist out country. And it keep on increasing year by year. So, the guidelines regarding this should be implemented strictly. Further, Others have called for the use of technology and scientific tools instead of third degree methods. But the fact is unless the police are held accountable custodial deaths will keep happening in India.


  1. What is custodial death? 

Custodial Death readers to death of a person while in custody under law enforcement body. The custodial violence takes place not only in the police custody. But also is the judicial custody – where an individual tortured it includes rape and death. 

  1. What are the reasons for the continuance of custodial violence in india despite various measures taken to combat it?
  1. What are some of the  important supreme court judgement related to the custodial violence and police torture ?

Major judgement that has been given by the Supreme Court against the police torture and violence. 

Rudul shah Vs state of Bihar 1983 :- 

Saheli Vs commissioner of police 1989:-

Nilabati Behera Vs state of Orissa:- 

The most important judgement:- 

D.K Basu Vs state of West Bengal 1997:- 

  1. What measures can be taken to prevent the continuance of custodial violence?

 The prevention of anti- torture bill should be implemented firstly. 


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