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“Cyber Security in India or across the country”

Author:-Ananya Tripathi , a Student of University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun.

In today’s era, we live in a digital world in the 21st century, where almost everything is done on an online platform. All due to technological advancements, which have been crucial in making life easier for humans on Earth and on other planets in the future as well. On the other hand, as a lawyer, I know that cyber security is a well-known practice for the protection of devices, networks, and programs from digital attacks or hacking of mobile phones and personal details. Whereas, India’s digital economy has grown its rapid growth of cyber securities with so many easy platforms where a person could directly complain, either online or offline, so that victims could also raise their voices for the cyber attacks that continuously happen day to day. Moreover, India has sizeable and expanding internet user data; by 2022, 759 million individuals in India, or more than 52% of the country’s total population, would have used the internet at least once a month. Although the current data is also said to show that India is the 2nd largest online market in the world after China, Therefore, with the online platforms and services that are being used by industries like the healthcare sector, education sector, banking sector, and agriculture sector, It is also said that India faces cultured and persistent cyber threats from state-sponsored and non-state people that target India’s strategic, economic, and national interests due to its outdated cyber security policies, awareness, and infrastructure or hospitality, which allow hackers to easily take advantage of the gaps and weaknesses in the Indian system. Although crimes involving efforts to interfere with the internet’s operational mechanisms are on the opposite end of the spectrum, Cyberterrorism is defined as the use of the Internet to incite public unrest and even inflict fatalities. Examples of these include spam, hacking, and denial-of-service assaults on particular websites. Cyberattack is the study of how non-state people use so much time on the internet to influence a country’s technical and economic systems. The threat of cyberterrorism has become much more widely recognised since the September 11 attacks of 2001. Cybersecurity has become a major concern due to India’s rapidly expanding digital economy. At last, I would say hacking is also a major risk associated with careless use of internet. Although, here are some of the brief summaries of the current state of affairs, which are as follows:-

Financial attacks.

Data Breches.

Cyber Espionage.

Cyber terrorism.

NCSP, 2013.


NNCIIPC, it protects and empower the crucial sector such as Power or Finance sector.

1. Filing a Complaint with Cyber Crime Cells-:

Most cities have dedicated Cyber Crime Cells where victims can report cybercrime. These cells are specialised units within the police department focused on handling cybercrime cases.

2. Lodging an FIR-:

Victims can lodge a First Information Report (FIR) at their local police station. Under the Information Technology Act, 2000, and the Indian Penal Code (IPC), various cybercrime are recognised and can be reported.

3. Legal Provisions under the Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000:

The IT Act, 2000, provides several sections under which cybercrime can also be prosecuted are as given below-:

Section 66:- Computer-related offences, including hacking.

Section 66C:- Identity theft.

Section 66D:- Cheating by personation using computer resources.

Section 66E:- Violation of privacy.

Section 67:- Publishing or transmitting obscene material in electronic form.

Section 67A:- Publishing or transmitting material containing sexually explicit act.

Section 67B:- Child pornography.

4. Indian Penal Code (IPC) Provisions-:

Several sections of the IPC deal with cybercrime that are as:-

Section 419:- Punishment for cheating by impersonation.

Section 420:- Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property.

Section 463:- 465, 468.

Section 469:- Related to forgery.

Section 500:- Punishment for defamation.

Section 506:- Punishment for criminal intimidation.

5. Filing a Complaint with CERT-In-:

The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) is the national agency for responding to cybersecurity incidents. Victims can report incidents to CERT-In for technical assistance and mitigation.

6. Approaching the Cyber Appellate Tribunal-:

If a victim is not satisfied with the action taken by the Adjudicating Officer, they can appeal to the Cyber Appellate Tribunal. This tribunal deals with appeals against orders made under the IT Act.

7. Seeking Civil Remedies-:

Victims can file civil suits for damages and compensation under tort law if they have suffered financial or repetitional damage due to cybercrime.

8. Consumer Protection Act-:

If the cybercrime involves any form of online fraud or cheating by e-commerce companies, the victim can file a complaint under the Consumer Protection Act for redressal and compensation.

9. Banking Ombudsman-:

For cybercrime involving online banking frauds, victims can approach the Banking Ombudsman to resolve disputes and seek compensation.

10. Privacy Complaint-:

For privacy breaches, victims can file complaints with the Data Protection Authority once the Personal Data Protection Bill is enacted. Currently, they can approach relevant authorities based on specific data protection guidelines.

11. Reporting to Online Platforms-:

Many online platforms, such as social media sites and e-commerce websites, have mechanisms for reporting abuse, fraud, and other forms of cybercrime.

Steps to Take After Becoming a Victim:

Document Evidence: Preserve all evidence related to the cybercrime, such as screenshots, emails, messages, and transaction records.

Change Passwords: Immediately change passwords for all affected accounts to prevent further unauthorised access.

Notify Relevant Authorities: Report the incident to the police, cyber crime cell, and relevant authorities promptly.

Inform Financial Institutions: If financial information is compromised, inform your bank or financial institution to take protective measures.

Legal Counsel: Consult with a lawyer specialising in cyber law for guidance and to pursue legal action. Victims can report incidents directly to these platforms for immediate action.

These days, the nation’s total national security and economic security measures centre around cybersecurity, whereas cybersecurity-related problems are quite prevalent in India and other countries as well. Due to the rise in cyberattacks, every company or organisation requires a security analyst to ensure that their system is safer than others. Our country being a silent spectator of several corporate frauds, few of them being the Harshad Mehta scam of 1992, Satyam scandal in 2009, Saradha Chit Fund scam and Sahara Fraud Case. These infamous scandals have adversely affected the development of the economic sector of our country. Although securing private company servers, protecting governmental organisations’ sensitive data requirements, and other cybersecurity-related problems are just a few of the numerous difficulties these security analysts must overcome, Some key factors related to cyber security challenges are:-

  1. Evolution of Ransomware.
  2. The Revolution of Blockchain.
  3. IoT(Internet of Things) Dangers.
  4. AI(Artificial Intelligence) Development.
  5. Serverless Applications’ susceptibility.


With the rapid-fire advancement of technology, the digital world has come an integral part of the 21st century. Cybersecurity is essential for guarding bias, networks, and programs from digital attacks. India’s digital frugality is growing, with 759 million internet druggies by 2022, making it the second largest online request encyclopaedically after China. The challenges India faces multitudinous cybersecurity challenges includes the elaboration of ransomware Revolution of blockchain IoT and troubles the AI development Server which less operations vulnerability. The nation’s security measures need to evolve to address the adding complication of cyberattacks. Notable commercial frauds in India, similar as the Harshad Mehta fiddle. The social media and other online platforms, while salutary for communication and information exchange, pose significant cybersecurity pitfalls like identity theft, line fraud, and hacking. druggies must be watchful about the implicit troubles to cover their particular information and sequestration. Yes, the rise in cyber pitfalls drives the global growth of cybersecurity, egging increased investment in cybersecurity experts and results. Is social media a boon or a curse? Social media can be both salutary and dangerous. It revolutionises communication but also brings pitfalls similar as dependence , spread of fake news, and sequestration irruption. Responsible use is essential to maximise the benefits and minimise the pitfalls of a country.


Cyber security, cyber attacks, digital attacks or hacking, India or China, 2022, 759 million, sept. 11 attacks of 2001, hacking.

Case laws:-

  1. Vijay Malya online scam, 2017.-

This was the landmark case, where he made the corporate fraud of Rs. 9,000 crore amount from multiple banks, but majorly he took loan from SBI (state bank of India). The event involving Kingfisher Airlines is well- known. It was the core of Vijay Mallya’s was plan to make India’s first five- star world- class flight. Kingfisher Airlines snappily came a prestige brand airline since its establishment in 2005. In 2006, it was all thanks to lately furnished aeroplanes, seductive airline staff, succulent cookery and most importantly, in- flight enjoyment. In addition, Kingfisher handed complimentary alcohol consumption in the lodgement to first- class guests, despite domestic aeroplanes in India being banned from serving alcohol at the time. These factors established Kingfisher as the favoured airline for rest rubberneck and other privileged trippers

  1. Shreya Singhal vs UOI.-

In this case, it held that after posting allegedly inflammatory and unpleasant remarks on face book on Mumbai’s entire closure following the death of a political leader, two ladies were detained under Section 66A of the IT Act. Any person who uses a computer resource or any online platform to spread material that is offensive, false, or causes irritation, discomfort, danger, insult, hostility, hurt, or ill will faces penalties under Section 66A of the IT Act.

  1. Shamsher Singh Verma vs State of Haryana.-
    This is the case of landmark judgement, it held that the accused preferred an appeal before the Supreme Court of India after the High Court rejected that the application of the accused to exhibit the Compact Disc filed in defence and to get it proved from the Forensic Science Laboratory.


In the end, social media is a boon when used carefully and with full consciousness about what your actions can lead to. The growth of social media and other social networking platforms like Facebook, Instagram etc. has led to the increase risks of hacking and viruses. Such malware can take control of the systems which you are working on, in which it could send undesirable content and breach your privacy. Thus, all said, we can reach to the conclusion that while using social media, we should completely be aware of the risks that such platforms pose. The careless use of such platforms has been a leading cause in the increase of identity thefts, wire frauds, hacking of personal devices and many more.


Cybersecurity, also known as cybersecurity, refers to the practices and measures implemented to protect computer systems, networks, programs and data against attacks, intrusions or unauthorised access. This field encompasses a wide range of techniques and technologies designed to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity and availability of digital information. These measures include the use of firewalls, intrusion detection systems, antivirus software, data encryption, and security policies. The main objective of cybersecurity is to prevent, detect and respond to threats and vulnerabilities present in the digital environment, such as hackers, malware, ransomware and phishing attacks. The importance of cybersecurity lies in protecting the sensitive information and digital assets of individuals, companies and organisations against potential risks and cyber attacks.

Cybersecurity is crucial today due to our dependence on digital technology. Protects our personal and financial data and critical infrastructure against cyber attacks, which are becoming more sophisticated and frequent. With the increasing connectivity of devices and the digitalisation of our lives, the risk of security breaches increases. Cybersecurity guarantees the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information in a world where digital threats are a constant reality, ensuring the stability and functionality of our society in the digital age.

Yes, the impact of cyber threats is driving the growth of cybersecurity around the world. As cyber attacks increase, both in frequency and sophistication, the demand for cybersecurity experts and cybersecurity solutions increases significantly. Companies, governments and organisations are investing more resources in protecting their systems and data against potential attacks, driving development and innovation in the field of cybersecurity to address new and emerging digital threats.

Social media can be considered both a blessing and a curse, depending on how it is used. On the one hand, they have revolutionised the way we communicate, connect and share information around the world. They facilitate social interaction, the exchange of ideas and access to news and information. However, they can also have negative effects, such as addiction, the spread of fake news, and invasion of privacy. In short, social media can be a powerful tool for well-being and human connection, but it also requires conscious and responsible use to avoid negative consequences.

Yes, the rise in cyber pitfalls drives the global growth of cybersecurity, egging increased investment in cybersecurity experts and results.


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