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Effect of Media in significant crime

Author- Huda Zehra, a student at Unity Degree College

Nowadays, Internet is such a platform which has become the most important part of our life, without which a person cannot assume his life. This article provides a detail analysis of how the media platforms (news, social media and perception) effects and influence the significant crime. It is the era in which the crime rate is very high and the people are accepting it as normal. The rapid development in the science and communication technology enable us to stay in touch with the day to day activities of the society. Earlier it used to take a lot of time for news to reach but now news travels in the blink of an eye. Technology has many benefits but it also has disadvantages, it only depends on how we use it. Social media also have both positive and negative impacts as it enables us to stay in touch with the relatives who live far apart from us.

Definition of Crime and Media:

Crime- Crime means an act which is illegal in nature and it adversely affects the individual and society. Crimes consists of financial as well as physical loss from which the public safety can be seriously affected. Examples of crimes are murder, kidnapping, robbery, dacoity, sexual harassment, rape etc.

Media- Tools which is used for delivery of news, other information and other entertainment purposes are termed as Media. Examples of media includes newspapers, magazines, T.V, radio, social media platforms (WhatsApp, Instagram, twitter) and many others. The main purpose of the media is to inform and entertain the viewers.

Media and Crime are both inseparable words as media play a very important role in covering the crime and in warning the public about all the serious crimes.

Here are some ways in which the media affects the crime, they are as-

It is the responsibility of the media to cover and report the accurate and balanced information and news by respecting the rights and dignity of the persons who are involved in the legal proceedings related to that particular information. Increase in crimes can also results in the formation of new laws and policies for the welfare of the society.

Exaggeration of crime by media: Media plays a very significant role in forming the public thoughts and thinking towards the particular crime. Sometimes crimes are misrepresented and even serious and major crimes are shown as common and small than actual.

News reporting with scary languages and pictures can form fear and insecurity among the people and question about their safety arises. Some media channels and institutions show crimes through animation and cartoons which makes the crime scarier and more serious for the viewers. Media can also call any expert to talk about that violence and crime but it is possible that they may be exaggerating the matter. This can decrease the trust of the people upon the media channels and institutions. The exaggeration of the media information can put a negative effect on the society as it creates fear and anxiety in the minds of the people. 

Social Media and cybercrime: Media play a very significant role in the case of cybercrime. There are some certain types of cybercrimes-

Constitution of India, Indian Penal Code, 1860, Information Technology Act, 2002 are some of the laws which deals with the social media and the crimes related to social media.

It is of no doubt that social media plays a very prominent role in shaping the thoughts and lives of the people. Social media help to transmit the news and information related to crimes among the people living in the society which create a feeling of deter and anxiety in the minds of the people. The relationship between the media and crime is inseparable as to grasp the knowledge about any of the crime, social media proves to be very useful. Social media acts as double-sided sword for us as it provides information and news but on the other hand it also misguides the individuals and create a terror in the society.

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