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  Author:-   Neha , a Student of Saraswati Institution of Law, Palwal 

Global warming definition 

“Global warming is a gradual increase in the earth’s temperature generally due to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFC’s and other pollutants”

Human causes of climate change

The human cause of climate changes is largely responsible for increasing the Earth’s temperatures. These causes of global warming have been in the media a lot in recent years. Human factors are the result of growing world population and economic developments.

Detailing and discussing the human causes of climate change isn’t about shaming people, or trying to make them feel guilty for their choices. It’s about defining the problem so that we can arrive at effective solutions. And we must honestly address its origins-even though it can sometimes be difficult, or even uncomfortable, to do so.

Role of greenhouses gases

The build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is the result of more heat being retained than would usually be the case. Naturally, the radiation from the sun would be reflected back in to space. However, the increased greenhouse gases trap some outgoing infrared radiation keeping the Earth warmer than it might otherwise be.

At the roots of climate change is the phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect, the term scientists use to describe the way that certain atmospheric gases “trap” heat that would otherwise radiate upward, from the planet’s surface, into outer space. On the one hand, we have the greenhouse effects to thank for the presence of life on earth; without it, our planet would be cold and unliveable.

The main greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. They are naturally occurring in the atmosphere but have increased through the burning of more oil, petrol and coal, at the same time as forests have been removed.


Scientists predict global temperature increase from human made greenhouse gases will continue. Severe weather damage will also increase and intensify.

Global warming stresses ecosystems through temperature rise, water shortages, increase fire threats, drought weed and pest invasions and salt invasion, just to name a few.

Effects of global warming

Global warming can result in many serious alterations to the environment, eventually impacting human health. It can also cause a rise in sea level, leading to the loss of coastal land a change in patterns, increased risks of drought and floods, and threats to biodiversity.

Besides the visible effects on people’s livelihoods, global warming is predicted to have a strong and adverse impact on human health.


These climate change effects provide evidence for climate change as we are able to see them increase in frequency and intensity alongside change (IPCC) was set up in order to investigate and share information relevant to climate change change. In its most recent report, it states that_

It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and biosphere have occurred.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that climate change is responsible for at least 150,000 deaths per year, a number that is expected to double by 2030. The effects of global warming will case dire health consequences.

Case of global warming




Filing date: March 2017

Reporter info: original Application no.: __ of 2017

Status: pending 

Case Categories:

Suits against governments >Human Rights >youth/children suit against governments> GHG emissions reduction and trading


India> National Green Tribunal 

Principal laws: India> National Green Tribunal Act

Ridhima Pandey, a nine-year-old from the Uttarakhand region, is the named plaintiff in a climate change case filed in march 2017 with the National Green Tribunal of India. Plaintiff’s petition argues that the public Trust Doctrine, India’s commitments under the Paris Agreement, and India’s existing environmental laws and climate-related policies oblige greater action to mitigate climate change. It also argues that the term “environment,” as used in the Environments (Protection) act 1986, necessarily encompasses the climate.

On January 15, 2019, the National Green Tribunal dismissed the case, reasoning that the climate change is already covered in the process of impact assessments under the Environment Protection Act of 1986, and therefore, “There is no reason to presume that Paris Agreement and other international protocols of the Governments of India or are not taken into consideration in granting environments clearances.”

At Issue: Adequacy of India’s climate change mitigation efforts vis-à-vis public Trust Doctrine and other legal obligation.

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