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Pros and cons of legalizing recreational marijuana 

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Topic: pros and cons of legalizing recreational marijuana 


The main aim of this article is to shed some insight into the topic of the uses of marijuana while also mentioning the harm that it could pose to our society. Marijuana, or cannabis, is a plant known for its medicinal properties and is often used in recreational medicines because of such properties. But along with its medicinal properties, it is also known to have certain ingredients that are equally, if not more, harmful to human beings if not consumed with caution. Certain ingredients in cannabis cause psychological effects on the person taking them, which can cause severe harm to the person mentally and physically.
The human body naturally produces some cannabinoids through the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which helps us human beings regulate and control our key bodily functions. They act in a similar way to neurotransmitters, which have a hand in sending messages throughout the nervous system. These neurotransmitters affect brain regions that play a pivotal role in memory, thinking, concentration, movement, coordination, and other sensory-related functions performed by our body. And the receptors of these cannabinoids also react to the THC (one of the 120 active ingredients present in cannabis) that has entered the body from outside consumption of marijuana. This then escalates the situation, as THC is a known active property of cannabis that leads to acute psychosis and dissociative states such as depersonalization and disassociation due to the increase in the release of dopamine in the body, which is known to create extreme pleasure for consumers. For example, it will affect their sensory receptors, making the colors seem brighter and the music more vivid, and making the overall emotions experienced by the human more profound.
This property makes the drug powerful and dangerous to consume, especially without the right quantities, which can help stifle the harmful effects of the drug. The drug can induce severe psychological changes in humans when consumed without any knowledge of the substance, and it is estimated to cause addiction and alienation in people who consume it often.
Pros and cons of legalizing recreational marijuana
1) Legalizing marijuana can lead to the recognition of a much safer pain medication than the ones available on the market for chronic pain. For example, opioids or drugs derived from the opium plants, generally used as chronic pain relief, are known to be addictive and cause various other symptoms like dehydration and slowed breathing, which fortunately lead to the patient’s death. In such scenarios, the controls and recommended amount of cannabis are much better.

2) You are not always required to consume or smoke cannabis to possess its healing effects; there are various oils and other non-smoking methods of its application.
3) With the advancement of technology, scientists have come up with a way that getting “high” is not the requirement today for cannabis consumption. And as said earlier, cannabis has over 120 active properties, and not all of them are bad for human blood; in fact, the concentrated and saturated amount can replace any other store-bought painkiller.
4) The other pro we can mention over this is that it is something that has been used even by our ancestors in order to treat and cure patients. So it is technically not something new or unheard of in the medicinal world.
1) The biggest con to using this medicine is its apparent effect on the human nervous system as well as on the brain. Creating pivotal psychological issues and mixed temperaments in humans can make them distorted enough to prevent them from leading a normal life.
2) As mentioned above, the drug can impair the person’s cognitive abilities, thus endangering themselves and others in their vicinity.
3) People consuming marijuana are often at a high risk of causing accidents due to their poor motor skills.
4) It increases the risk of lung damage that can be caused by smoking the drugs; it is also a risk for the person due to its apparent chance of being abused. It is also believed, as per a 2019 medical report that continued usage of cannabis can lead to low immunity issues for the user.
5) Addiction caused by consumption is also a concern for many due to its one property being TCH, which is known to cause depersonalization and disassociation in the people ingesting the drug. So many drug abusers misuse the drug and move towards their early graves.
6) Due to its addictive nature, the people consuming it often become reckless and aggressive in order to keep the consumption persistent.

A clinical study clearly demonstrates to us the compulsive effects the cannabis drugs have on us humans, both physically and mentally. And there is no definite research that proves to us that the use of the drug can certainly outweigh the apparent risks it possesses, making it all the more vulnerable to being considered for its medicinal value. But despite the risks advocates and other professionals are pursuing after the legalization of the drug, undeterred by the information about the effect of TCH, it appears that cannabis (the drug) has over 120 active properties and other cannabinoids that can be useful if used in the proper route of administration. After thorough medical research on the properties of the cannabinoids and the various effects they have on the body, it is safe to assume that the medical purpose of the cannabinoids drugs can be procured only from the chemically modified extracts and not from the plant itself.

Author details: 

Name: kaaviya b soman 

College: RV Institute of Legal Studies 

Course: 5th year BBA-LLB 


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