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Sex education in India: A Taboo in the Society

Sex education in India: A Taboo in the Society


Sex education in India has long been considered a taboo in society. The mere mention of the subject often evokes uncomfortable reactions and faces turning red with embarrassment. This aversion to discussing sex is deeply rooted in cultural and religious beliefs, leading to a serious lack of comprehensive sex education across the country.

Indian society places immense importance on preserving the sanctity and modesty of relationships. Sex is seen as a deeply private matter that should not be openly discussed in public or even within families. Parents often shy away from discussing this topic with their children, leaving them ill-equipped to navigate the complexities of relationships, sexual health, and consent.

Lack in education system:

This taboo has severe consequences, especially for young people. Without proper sex education, teens are often left to gather information from unreliable sources such as peers, the internet, or pornography. This lack of accurate knowledge can lead to misconceptions about sex, unsafe sexual practices, and an increased vulnerability to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies.

Steps taken to improve this system, by NGOs & others:

Recognizing the need to bridge this education gap, some organizations and individuals have taken it upon themselves to provide sex education in a safe and reliable manner. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and activists conduct workshops and campaigns to raise awareness about sexual health, consent, and safe practices. These efforts aim to break the silence surrounding sex and empower young people to make informed choices.

Cultural and Religious impact:

One of the main reasons behind this societal taboo is the deeply ingrained cultural and religious beliefs that view sex as a private matter, not to be discussed openly. Moreover, there is a prevailing notion that discussing sex education will inadvertently encourage promiscuity and moral degeneration among the young. As a result, many parents, teachers, and policymakers shy away from providing comprehensive sex education to young people.

It is crucial for the Indian society to move beyond this taboo and embrace the importance of sex education. Comprehensive sex education can play a pivotal role in addressing these issues by providing young people with accurate information about their bodies, relationships, consent, contraception methods, and STI prevention. It empowers them to make informed decisions about their sexual health and relationships.

Several countries around the world have implemented successful sex education programs that prioritize the physical and emotional well-being of young people. India can draw inspiration from these models and adapt them to suit its cultural context. This includes ensuring that sex education is age-appropriate, scientifically accurate, and inclusive of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities.

Need of changes:

To overcome the societal taboo around sex education, it is essential to involve all stakeholders. Parents, teachers, policymakers, and religious leaders need to engage in open dialogue and recognize the importance of comprehensive sex education in the development of young people. Additionally, public awareness campaigns can help challenge societal norms and promote a more open and positive discussion about sex and sexuality.


Sex education is not about promoting immorality; it is about empowering young people with the knowledge and skills they need to make responsible and informed choices. It is high time that India breaks free from the shackles of silence and secrecy surrounding sex education and takes a bold step towards creating a healthier and more inclusive society.


Author:- Shumukhaya Singh
Form – Ajeenkya D.Y.Patil University, Pune

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