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Special Leave Petition in India

A mechanism to circumvent jurisdiction Special Leave Petition in India refers to a legal application filed before the Supreme Court of India seeking permission to appeal against a decision made by a lower court or tribunal. It is a mechanism provided by the Indian legal system to allow individuals to challenge and seek review of judgments that they believe are erroneous or unjust.


Special Leave Petition (SLP) is an exceptional judicial recourse available in the Indian legal system. It offers people and organizations the chance to petition the Supreme Court of India for redress against decisions made by lower courts or tribunals. This research paper explores the complexities of Special Leave Petitions, analyzing their historical evolution, legal structure, procedural elements, and importance in the Indian judicial system. This study seeks to address crucial inquiries, offer compelling arguments, and utilize a textual analysis technique to examine the wider framework of SLP (Special Leave Petition) in India, while also incorporating relevant case laws. 


The Special Leave Petition (SLP) is a legal procedure through which the Supreme Court of India exercises its discretionary authority. It allows individuals or organizations to directly petition the highest court, the apex court, under the authority of Article 136 of the Indian constitution, without having to go through lower courts. This can expedite the process of seeking justice, as one can approach the Supreme Court of India directly. However, it is up to the discretion of the apex court to decide whether or not to accept the case. A Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) is regarded as a substantial legal recourse in India, and this document will thoroughly examine its fundamental elements.

Evolution of Speech-Language Pathology:
The origins of SLP can be traced back to the Government of India Act of 1935, which provided the groundwork for the founding of the Supreme Court of India. The growth of the SLP is characterized by notable legal milestones, including as its inclusion in the Constitution of India in 1950. The purpose of this mechanism is to prevent the denial of justice caused by a rigid adherence to procedural laws.
Thesis: The evolution of SLP over time demonstrates the Indian judicial system’s dedication to provide fairness and adaptability while dealing with intricate legal matters.

Article 136 of the Indian Constitution primarily establishes the legal foundation for Special Leave Petitions (SLPs) in India. This constitutional article confers discretionary power upon the Supreme Court, enabling it to consider appeals from any decision, ruling, verdict, sentence, or directive issued by any court or body in the nation. Article 136 functions as a residual provision, granting the Supreme Court exceptional powers that are not limited by specified criteria. The court’s authority to exercise discretion allows it to be flexible and adaptable when deciding whether to grant or refuse leave to appeal. To commence SLP proceedings, the petitioner must submit a petition to the Supreme Court, in which they must demonstrate the presence of significant legal issues or problems of national significance. The eligibility requirements for awarding SLP are based on the existence of substantial questions of law, which refer to problems of significant importance rather than routine legal concerns. In addition, the Supreme Court has the authority to use its judgment to allow matters of national or public significance, so expanding the range of its involvement. The discretionary nature of SLP is an inherent characteristic of its legal structure. The Supreme Court is authorized to utilize judicial discretion, meticulously choosing issues that merit its consideration. Article 136 of the constitution does not specify the boundaries of the Supreme Court’s authority to hear appeals. Instead, it grants the court the power to decide the importance and relevance of each individual case at its own discretion. 


Article 136 of the legal framework of SLP grants the Supreme Court the authority to handle matters of utmost importance, thus ensuring a balance between justice and adherence to legal procedures. 

Procedural Aspects of Speech-Language Pathology (SLP)

Litigants seeking extraordinary relief have the liberty to file an SLP without being restricted by strict restrictions. After an SLP (Special Leave Petition) is submitted, the Supreme Court has the authority to decide whether to give permission to appeal. The eligibility requirements for granting Special Leave Petition (SLP) encompass the existence of significant legal inquiries, with a focus on the significance of the legal matters at hand. The Supreme Court’s discretionary authority enables it to use discernment when choosing which cases to hear, ensuring that only problems of substantial importance or those with national ramifications are taken into account.
The discretionary nature of the SLP mechanism sets it apart from ordinary appeal procedures and enables the Supreme Court to function as a safeguard against wrongful convictions. After granted permission, the Supreme Court begins to consider the appeal based on its substance. The SLP process, which allows for exceptional appeals, highlights the court’s meticulous examination of instances that require its intervention. 

This discretionary structure guarantees that the Supreme Court can give priority to cases that have a significant influence on the legal system or entail urgent and important legal issues. Essentially, the procedural components of SLP (Special Leave Petition) in India highlight the distinct characteristics of this legal instrument. The process, starting from the commencement of legal proceedings to the decision to allow or deny permission, demonstrates the careful equilibrium between offering plaintiffs a means to seek remedy in extraordinary circumstances and upholding the Supreme Court’s authority to uphold the integrity of the legal system.
Claim: The procedural elements of SLP serve to guarantee that only matters of true importance and legal validity are presented to the Supreme Court, thus preserving the court’s effectiveness.

The importance of SLP (Special Leave Petition) in the legal framework of India
Special Leave Petitions are of great importance in the Indian judicial system. They empower individuals to directly petition the Supreme Court, granting them the opportunity to seek justice and a means to challenge incorrect rulings. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) provide essential support not just to individuals, but also to organizations, government agencies, and private parties, making them a crucial resource for legal action.
SLPs play a vital role in connecting lower courts/tribunals with the Supreme Court, enabling the delivery of justice and providing a means for parties who feel wronged to seek redress.


In order to demonstrate the practical implementation of SLPs, it is crucial to analyze pertinent legal precedents:
In the case of Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India (1978), the Supreme Court broadened the extent of Article 21 to encompass the right to travel, highlighting the essential rights of citizens.
The case of Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. v. Essar Power Ltd. (2008) emphasized the significance of Special Leave Petitions (SLPs) in intricate business disputes and arbitration cases.

Final Remarks

Special Leave Petitions have seen significant development throughout time and have become an essential element of the Indian judicial system. They not only guarantee the availability of legal recourse but also function as a means to tackle matters of significant public concern. The Supreme Court’s discretionary authority granted by Article 136, together with the procedural framework, achieves a harmonious equilibrium between fairness and adherence to legal formalities. Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) have played a crucial role in influencing legal discussions, and their importance in the legal framework of India cannot be exaggerated. 


The case of Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India (1978) is cited in the Supreme Court Cases as 1978 AIR 597 and 1978 SCR (2) 621 in Gujarat. 

The case of Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. v. Essar Power Ltd. (2008) is cited as (2008) 4 SCC 755 in the Supreme Court of India. The case was heard at the Allahabad High Court. The link provided is:
Writ Petition No. 696 of 2010 


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