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Stipend in Legal Field: Omitted Right!

By Yamina Malek, GLS Law College

“This is like Bonded Labour”: SC over No Stipend Paid to MBBS Interns, 2023.

In numerous countries, interns are entitled to compensation if their services or work profit the employer. Still, India lacks a defensive policy akin to this in its labour laws. While India has a comprehensive frame of laws securing the rights of workers, workers, and labourers, there exists a striking gap when it comes to internships. The delineations of workmen or workers outlined in these acts don’t encompass interns. Despite their adding frequence across colorful sectors, internships remain largely limited in terms of payment.  Interns, frequently youthful individualities seeking to gain practical experience and chops, are constantly taken advantage of by enterprises that fail to compensate them for their work.  Also, the lack of a legal frame governing internships absolves legal enterprises and attorneys of their responsibility to give a conducive work terrain. Without the trouble of legal impacts, enterprises may neglect to apply necessary safety measures or uphold norms of plant fairness and equivalency.  Addressing this issue requires significant legislative intervention. The Education and Labour Ministries must unite to develop a robust policy specifically targeting intern payments. This policy should be endowed with the same authority as other employment- related laws, icing its enforcement and compliance by all stakeholders.  In a nation governed by the principles of equivalency and justice, the frequence of overdue legal internships stands as a stark contradiction to the veritably fabric of the Indian Constitution Legal interns are frequently anticipated to work without any form of remuneration.  Bringing in rules to insure adequte remuneration of interns for their work won’t only cover their rights, but also foster a culture of fairness and responsibility within the pool. By feting the value of intern labour and furnishing them with indifferent compensation and working conditions, India can harness the full eventuality of its unborn pool while upholding principles of social justice and equivalency.

HC on Stipend of Junior Advocates

It’s the duty of the Bar Council of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry (BCTNP) to make sure that no young counsel in the State as well as the Union Territory gets exploited by their seniors by rooting work without indeed paying minimal paycheck, the Madras High Court has said. Exploitation, under no circumstance, can be permitted or appreciated. Thus, it’s the function of the Bar Council to insure that the livelihood of these attorneys are defended by fixing minimal paycheck, ” a Division Bench of judges S.M. Subramaniam and C. Kumarappan wrote.  The judges granted time till June 12 for BCTNP counsel C.K. Chandrasekar to get instructions from the council on formulating the guidelines to be followed by the established attorneys while engaging fresh law graduates or other inferior counsel to help them in their professional work. The interim direction was issued on a writ solicitation filed by Farida Begam complaining about the lawyers Welfare Fund scheme not being enforced effectively in Puducherry. During the course of hail, the judges set up that several operations under the scheme were pending in Tamil Nadu too.  Since detention in release of finances by the separate governments was cited as the reason for the weal fund scheme not being enforced effectively, the judges suo motu included the State of Tamil Nadu too as a party to the writ solicitation and granted a week’s time for both the governments to respond.  Apropos, the judges took up the issue of inferior attorneys not being paid paycheck by their seniors and asked the BCTNP to return on the issue of formulating necessary guidelines.

Unconstitutionality of unpaid Internship

Iniquity of overdue internship  Article 14 of the Indian constitution countries that the State shall not deny to any person equivalency before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the home of India Prohibition of demarcation on grounds of religion, race, estate, coitus or place of birth. There are laws made for payment of stipend for the hand. For illustration, there’s minimal stipend Act, 1948 under which the proper government fixes minimal stipend for all the employments. According to Article 21 of the Indian constitution, every hand has right to get fair and just stipends and hence if a reasonable payment Isn’t paid it would affect to a clear violation Right to Livelihood under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution.  Lately Delhi high court had brought up external pot for remitment of hires of their staffs. The court said, right to admit payment is a abecedarian right elevated under the Constitution of India.. Government should come up with programs which ban overdue internship as it demotivates the pupil and is an illegal practice on hole.  One of the abecedarian rights is the right to a just remuneration that ensures an actuality worth of mortal quality. The preamble to the constitution of the transnational labour association identifies the provision of an acceptable living pay envelope as one of the conditions for universal and continuing peace grounded on social justice.  

 MD Imran Ahmad v. Union of India WP(C) 1120/2021- 

A Question of Intern’s Fundamental Rights was Left Unanswered

It is with this regard a writ petition was filed by MD Imran Ahmad in the Apex Court. The petitioner was seeking to count interns as trainees and consider them for legal protection under the Apprentices Act 1961. The SC however on 6 January dismissed the petition.


While having a look on immediacy of paid and overdue internship it’s crystal clear, that overdue internships not only demotivate the pupil but also puts a question on tone- worth. The sweats that a pupil puts in his or her internship should be perceived as gem rather than seeing it as their coercion. Not paying up someone for their service is a clear exploitation of an existent. SC recently favoured the MBBS and CA students by increasing their fixed stipend, but rejected the same for the LLB students. The judiciary recently got involved with the minimum salary of Junior Advocates which could have been addressed a long before. The certain amount of relief should also be given to Law students to encourage them and save them from being exploited.

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