Author: Afrin Gulshan, student at (CLC), Faculty of Law, Delhi University
Universal Health a Human right. Right to health is enshrined in Universal Declaration of Human right Article 25(1). The Global Goals also pertains to “Good Health and well being”. Article 12 of the International covenant on Economic, social and cultural Rights (ICESR), also elucidates the same. The right guarantees that every individual shall have access to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health as exposition and interpretation by WHO.
Article 2 of ICESR states parties to ensure that health services are accessible to all without discrimination. According to WHO report( patients in the Gaza Strip unable to obtain Israeli-Issued permits to access the Healthcare. Over the Globe mental health crisis raising depression and anxiety among people. A/c to WHO the global prevalence of anxiety and depression increased by 25% in the very first year of COVID-19 Pandemic alone. The international diabetes federation (IDF) estimates that 537 million adults aged 20-79 are living with diabetes globally. A growing global threat AMR (Anti- microbial resistance). Causing death of approx 700,000 deaths annually world wide. Also UNICEF report of the state of the world’s children 2023(report of UN). Nearly 3 billion people out 8 billion cannot afford a healthy diet and 45% of child deaths under age of five are linked to malnutrition. The World Food Program (WFP) and United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) report that about 60% of household in Gaza and 30-40% in the West Bank face food insecurity. In Gaza 80% of population relies on humanitarian aid. India i.e largest populated country in the world struggles with high rates of malnutrition. According to Global Hunger Index 2023 India ranks 107th out of 125 countries. Health is not merely personal asset rather it is a public good. A healthy body serve the nation and humanity with utmost potentials. Supreme Court in Right to food campaign v. UOI emphasised the right to food and its relationship with the right to health. Supreme Court ruled the right to food is part of the right to life under article 21 of the constitution.
The right to health is a Fundamental and evolving Human right that require states to promote health, ensure access to healthcare, and address health disparity. Deeply rooted in the rights to life, dignity and non discrimination. Right to health a legal right is essential ingredient of both municipal law and international law.
1. What is the Right to Health?
Answer: The Right to health is a Fundamental Right that include Right to access healthcare services, medicines, food etc.
2. Is Right to health recognized internationally?
Answer: Yes, it is recognized in in International Law. U/A 12 of International covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICERCR). It is also embedded in Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), International Treaties, conventions etc.
3. Is healthcare is a basic Human Right?
Answer: yes, healthcare is a basic Human Right.
4. What is role of International organizations in the Right to Health?
Answer: international organization such as WHO( World Health Organization), UNICEF, and World Bank advocate a better Health policies conduct research etc.