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The Role of Mental Health Legislation in Suicide Prevention: A Glimpse into India’s Legal Framework

The Role of Mental Health Legislation in Suicide Prevention: A Glimpse into India’s Legal Framework

—-Yadla Poojitha Reddy.

—-Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University.


To ensure the safety of its people, India has made great achievements in identifying and combating mental health issues. The development of the current system of mental health treatment in the nation may be directly attributed to the passage of several acts and laws. Preventing suicide is a difficult and diverse problem that ranks high on the list of important challenges. This article takes a close look at major portions and acts of India’s mental health law, examining their potential to reduce the country’s alarming suicide rate.

The Mental Healthcare Act, 2017

The Mental Healthcare Act, 2017, a landmark piece of legislation in India’s mental health law, marks a radical departure from previous methods of providing such treatment. Specifically, the Act’s Section 115 stresses the need of mental health facilities developing and implementing effective suicide prevention initiatives. Healthcare practitioners are reminded of their duty to provide a secure setting and effective treatment for patients in danger.

Decriminalizing Attempted Suicide

The decriminalisation of suicide attempts is widely regarded as one of India’s most consequential legislative developments. Before the Mental Health Care Act was passed, anybody who attempted suicide might face jail time or a fine under Section 309 of India’s penal code. In 2017, however, this law was changed since it was recognised that people in crisis need understanding and assistance, not punishment. This shift was a watershed moment in the fight to remove the stigma around mental health disorders.

Confidentiality and Informed Consent

Building trust between patients and healthcare providers requires confidentiality of mental health information. Except in cases of urgent risk to the patient or others, Section 23 of the Mental Healthcare Act mandates the confidentiality of patient disclosures made during therapy or treatment. People will feel more comfortable seeking help knowing that their privacy will be respected thanks to this provision.

Community-Based Interventions

The Mental Healthcare Act strongly supports community-based mental health treatment initiatives as a means of suicide prevention. Section 19 focuses on developing and implementing crisis and preventative mental health care services for the local population. This proactive approach helps identify and address mental health problems before they worsen.

Integration of Mental Health into Primary Care

The National Mental Health Policy of 2014 places an emphasis on general practitioners’ central role in the identification and management of mental health concerns, and hence advocates for the integration of mental health services within primary healthcare. This method is essential in suicide prevention since it facilitates people’s access to local mental health services.


The implementation of the Mental Healthcare Act of 2017, together with other pertinent components of Indian legislation, has significantly bolstered the nation’s endeavours in the realm of suicide prevention. The establishment of these legal frameworks has laid the groundwork for a mental health treatment system that is characterised by increased compassion and efficacy. This has been achieved via the decriminalisation of suicide attempts, prioritisation of confidentiality, and promotion of community-based therapies. Nevertheless, it is essential to continue making endeavours towards public education, reducing the associated stigma, and ensuring equitable access to mental health care services of superior quality. India has a favourable position to make further advancements in the realm of suicide prevention and the promotion of mental well-being among its whole populace via the implementation of a comprehensive and inclusive approach.

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