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Custodial death is a terrifying betrayal of trust in which people who are supposed to protect people’s rights and welfare instead turn into abusers and perpetrators of violence. The transformation of institutions meant to safeguard individuals and maintain justice turned into tools of oppression and injustice, it is among the most heinous crimes against humanity.

The core concepts of duty and rights are heinously broken in cases of custodial death. The basic rights of individuals to due process, protection from harm, and the presumption of innocence are callously disregarded, as is the duty of law enforcement and correctional authorities to safeguard the safety and welfare of those in their care. The cornerstone of society’s confidence in its legal and governmental institutions is destroyed by this heinous betrayal of trust.

Definition of Custodial Death

Custodial death refers to the death of a person in the custody of law enforcement authorities, typically occurring while the person is under arrest, In detention, or otherwise under the control of authorities. The death can occur in various circumstances, including during the interrogation, while in a police custody, or while being detained in correctional facility. The death may be caused by natural reason like cardiac arrest, nervous shock etc. but when the law enforcement are involved in the death of the person then it raises the questions about the use of power, treatment of detainees, and responsibility of authorities involved.

Difference Between Judicial Custody and Police Custody

A magistrate is in charge of the accused when they are in judicial custody. In the Police custody, the accused is held in a detention centre attached to a police station; in the second, a jail. The Criminal Procedure Code comes into play when someone is arrested by the police, and they have to appear before a magistrate within the 24 hours. Even after the court has granted the accused judicial custody, the police are still able to assume control of the accused or suspect with the proper authorization from the court; in other words, they are able to convert the accused from judicial custody to police custody. Since the police have no right to question an accused person while they are in judicial custody, they must determine if questioning is essential based on the evidence. 

Rights of Detainees, Arrestee Under-Trial and Prisoners 

Landmark Cases

Sunil Batra V. Delhi Administration the petitioner, a convict under death sentence came to know that the torture is happening on the fellow inmates, petitioner file a complained, but the question arises is the complained admissible? The Supreme Court in his judgement held that prisoners’ grievances, not demanding release but, within the lockup circumstances, complaining ill treatment and curtailment short of illegal detentions. The prisoners were also human and fundamental rights do not flee, as he enters the prison. the court held that the prisoner, had been tortured illegally and the superintendent could not dissolve himself from responsibility. The court laid down certain guidelines.

DK Basu v. State of west Bengal is a landmark judgement where a letter was written to chief justice of India referring to a local newspaper report wherein mistreatment of prisoners by police are alleged. Relying on the letter the Supreme Court consider it as writ petition. Thereupon the court gave various guidelines.

Smt. Shakila Abdul Gafar Khan v. Vasant Raghunath Dhoble And Anr 2003 Supreme quoted “Government as the omnipotent and omnipresent teacher teaches the whole people by its example, if the Government becomes a law breaker, it breeds contempt for law, it invites every man to become a law into himself”.

Procedure of Investigation

Any magistrate with authority may, in addition to or instead of the police officer’s investigation, hold an inquiry into the cause of unnatural death under the general clause of Section 176(1) of the Criminal Procedure Code 1973. Nonetheless, this authority is only advisory and should not be adhered to strictly. Since Section 176(1A) of the Code was added in 2005 amendment to Criminal Procedure Code, legalese has acknowledged custodial violence as one of the most severe types of criminal activity. The Section specified that:

In addition to the police’s investigation or inquiry, the judicial magistrate or metropolitan magistrate with jurisdiction over the subject must carry out an investigation into the matter while the person in question was in the custody of the police or in any other custody authorized by the court.

This clause is unique in that it solely addresses custodial offenses. As a result, the following are some of the provision’s key features:

Parallel to the investigation or inquiry carried out by the police authority will be the judicial or metropolitan magistrate’s probe. The magistrate is required by the law to carry out the relevant investigation. The phrase “must” has been substituted for “may,” signifying the duty placed on the authorities. Additionally, the amendment eliminated the executive magistrate’s eligibility to make certain kinds of investigations. Instead, the task of conducting the investigation has been given to the judicial magistrate or the metropolitan magistrate.

Reforms and Suggestion 

The 2010 Prevention of Torture Bill was approved by the Lok Sabha on May 6, 2010. The Rajya Sabha, however, felt that the bill did not meet the requirements of the United Nations Convention against Torture, therefore they referred it to a select committee. When the 15th Lok Sabha was dissolved on May 18, 2014, the amended bill lapsed itself.

The Law Commission of India recommended in a study from 2018 that India ratify the UN Convention against Torture and enact independent legislation prohibiting the torture of its citizens by agents of the government.


The loss of life in custody is a grave violation of human rights and stain on the principal of justice and accountability. As we confront this issue, it is imperative to conduct thorough and impartial investigation in each cases, holding parties responsible and accountable for their actions. Moreover, meaningful reform must be implemented within law enforcement agencies to address systematic issues and prevent future tragedies. Transparency, oversight, and community engagement are essential components of this process. By prioritizing the protection and dignity of individuals in custody, we can strive towards more just and equitable society where custodial death are not reduced, but unthinkable. Let us commit to upholding human rights and ensuring that every life is valued and protected, both inside and outside the walls of detention facilities. 

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