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Vishakha & others v. State of Rajasthan (AIR 1997 SC 3011)

Landmark Case of Sexual Harassment

Many Landmark judgements of the Supreme Court have left a deep impact on our society and history. One of them is Vishakha & others v. State of Rajasthan (AIR 1997) as it laid down the issue and certain guidelines to deal with the hazard of sexual harassment against women. The decision was made by a bench of three judges consist of Chief Justice Verma, Justice B.N. Kripal and Justice Sujata V. Manohar. In our country fifty percent of the population is taken up by the women and are now supposed to work in all the sectors. Women are also seen to be working on the places which were only reserved for men earlier. This positive change of equality turns into horrifying and hazardous incidents in the form of rape and harassment or sexual harassment. Even at the workplace they became victim of physical and mental torture because men treated women as object. 

The court gives the definition of sexual harassment as any unwelcome gesture, unpleasant taunt \ comment, physical touch or conduct, showing of pornography, making appeals for sex. Sexual harassment violates certain fundamental rights of women particularly right to equality (Article 14), right to life (Article 21), prohibition of discrimination on the ground of religion, race, sex etc., (Article 15), freedom of speech (Article 19).

Facts of the Vishakha & others v. Rajasthan case: The facts of the case are as follows:

Issues raised in the case were: (a) Whether sexual harassment at workplace amounts to the violation of Fundamental Rights given under Article 14, 19 and 21?

(b) Whether it is the responsibility of the employer to prevent sexual harassment at workplace?

Judgement: The judgement of Vishakha’s case was delivered by the bench of three judges namely Chief Justice J.S.Verma, Justice B.N.Kripal and Justice Sujata Manihar. The court held that sexual harassment leads to the violation of the Fundamental Rights as provided under Article 14, 19 and 21 of Indian Constitution. Additionally it was contended by the court that it is also the prior responsibility of the employer to prevent the sexual harassment at workplace. There should be availability of safe and secure working environment at workplace is the basic requirement of every person. 

The court made certain guidelines called as “Vishakha guidelines” for the safety of women at workplace so that they can work in the secure environment without any fear. 

The Vishakha Guidelines: The court made guidelines to protect the women at their workplace which were named as “Vishakha Guidelines” and it is implemented by the Supreme Court in 1997.

Objectives and requirements of the Vishakha Guidelines: These guidelines were implemented because of the increasing cases related to sexual harassment and number of rallies and protests that takes place by various social working groups. At that time the legal system was not strong enough to protect women at the workplace and the accused of rape and sexual harassment were given just and fair punishments. Additionally, there was no responsibility of employer to provide support and assistance to his employee who has been sexually harassed. To avoid any kind of liability, employers fired such women victims from the job.

The increasing crimes against the women indicate the urgent need for the new laws that provide strict punishment to offenders and also ensure the safety of women at workplace. Thus, Vishakha Guidelines have been made which will prevent the sexual harassment of women at workplace and those who involve in sexual harassment will be punished severely.

Ingredients of Vishakha Guidelines: The focused features of the guidelines are as follows:

On the basis of all these guidelines, after seventeen years an act was passed by the government in 2013 which was named as “Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. This act has wider scope than the guidelines but the base was taken from the Vishakha Guidelines.

The Constitution of India protects the fundamental rights of equality and liberty of each individual. It is the right of the women to get the secure working environment in which they can work without any fear. Sexual harassment is the rapid growing problem of our society. If it is not controlled then it will become a hindrance in the working of the women due to which the economic condition of our country will also get affected. 

The Bhanwari Devi case is the landmark case which deal with the problem of sexual harassment in our society. A certain set of guidelines namely “Vishakha Guidelines” are made by the Supreme Court to protect the women from sexual harassment at workplace and provide a severe punishment to the offenders. According to these guidelines, employer is directly liable to take certain measures to prevent the sexual harassment in the organisation and ensure the safety of women. Without any doubt we can say that the Vishakha Guidelines and the Act of 2013 proves to be very helpful in preventing the social crime of sexual harassment.

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