“This is not an era of war”. This statement by the prime minister signifies its deep meaning intact with it. If this is not an era of war, what is the critical force driving this era? What else can be the comparative indicators of countries other than their military power? Many world wars have proved that nations are judged and ranked only on their military superiority and ability to dominate global power.
But the change is the only constant. This era is the era of trade. Human civilisation should have signified this term more as was required; the term global itself leads to the formation of globalisation. The reforms proposed and led by P.V. Narasimha Rao and the government must be emphasised to establish the proper ecosystem and a more conducive environment to increase trade within the country. Across the globe, and with almost all the countries focussing on bolstering and strengthening their trade, the rush begins.
The strength of this gigantic force depends on the basis on which it stands and delivers “The Constitutional Mechanism.” It is defined by the principles laid down in the constitution that can smoothen its functioning and widespread impact. Throughout this article, we will touch upon the provisions framed regarding the backbone of the economy, i.e., Trade and Commerce in India.
Constitutional Framework
The part in the constitution primarily deals with trade, commerce, and intercourse FROM ARTICLE 301 TO 307 has been inserted from the Australian constitution and is enshrined explicitly in Part XIII titled TRADE, COMMERCE AND INTERCOURSE WITHIN THE TERRITORY OF INDIA.
The Constitution of India, the foundational document of the world’s largest democracy, enshrines principles that safeguard the rights and liberties of its citizens. Articles 301 to 307 form a crucial part of this constitutional framework, delineating the boundaries of trade, commerce, and intercourse within the nation. This article delves into the intricacies of these articles from a legal standpoint, exploring their scope, interpretation, and significance.
Trade plays a pivotal role in any economy, facilitating the exchange of goods and services. The framers of the Indian Constitution recognised the importance of fostering economic unity and integration across states. To achieve this, they incorporated provisions related to trade, commerce, and intercourse in Part XIII of the Constitution. Let’s delve into the details:
Signification of Freedom of Trade, Commerce, and Intercourse
Article 301 of the Constitution of India is a cornerstone of economic liberty within the nation. It proclaims that “Trade, commerce, and intercourse throughout the territory of India shall be free,” guaranteeing unrestricted movement of goods and services across state borders. This provision reflects the framers’ intent to foster a unified national market, essential for economic integration and development. It lays down the general principle that trade, commerce, and intercourse throughout the territory of India shall be free. This freedom encompasses intra-state (within a state) and inter-state (across states) movement of goods, services, and people. Essentially, it ensures unobstructed movement without barriers.
Article 301 of the Constitution of India, aimed at fostering unrestricted trade, has become a focal point for discord. The broad interpretation of its provisions often conflicts with states’ regulatory authority, sparking legal disputes over permissible limitations. Furthermore, the proliferation of barriers to interstate trade and discriminatory tax policies undermines efforts towards a cohesive market, prompting worries over economic efficacy and fair development. This passage highlights the paradox wherein a constitutional provision designed to promote financial freedom inadvertently becomes a battleground for conflicting interests, impeding the nation’s pursuit of a unified and equitable economic landscape.
Interpretation and Scope:
While Article 301 establishes the principle of free trade, it does not operate in isolation. In various landmark judgments, the Supreme Court of India has clarified that this provision must be construed harmoniously with other constitutional provisions, particularly Articles 302 to 305. These articles empower the state to impose restrictions on trade and commerce in certain circumstances, such as safeguarding public order, morality, or the health of citizens.
Despite its noble intent, Article 301 has been a subject of contention and debate. The expansive interpretation of the freedom of trade clause has often clashed with the state’s regulatory powers, leading to legal battles over the extent of permissible restrictions. Moreover, the proliferation of interstate trade barriers and discriminatory taxation policies has hindered realising a truly unified market, raising concerns about economic efficiency and equitable growth.
What Powers does the Parliament hold
Article 302 vests Parliament with the authority to enact laws regulating trade, commerce, and intercourse between states. This provision recognises the need for a centralized legislative framework to address interstate conflicts and facilitate coordinated economic policies. Parliament’s jurisdiction under Article 302 enables it to enact laws that promote national interests while balancing the rights of states and individuals.
The Legislative Limitations
Article 303 serves as a check on legislative overreach by the Union and state governments concerning trade and commerce. It prohibits both Parliament and the state legislatures from enacting laws that directly discriminate against the movement of goods and services across state borders. However, this prohibition is subject to certain exceptions enumerated in Article 304, which allow states to impose reasonable restrictions on trade for specific purposes.
The essence of Article 303 lies in its prohibition of laws that impede the free flow of commerce solely based on the geographical origin of goods or services. By preventing such discriminatory measures, Article 303 fosters an environment conducive to developing a unified national market, which is essential for economic integration and growth. However, it is important to note that this prohibition is not absolute and is subject to certain exceptions outlined in Article 304.
Article 303 prohibits states from restricting the freedom of trade and commerce. However, there are exceptions. States can regulate trade and commerce in the following cases:
- State Monopolies: A state can impose reasonable restrictions if it establishes a monopoly over any trade or business.
- Public Interest: If a law enacted by the state is in the public interest, it can restrict trade and commerce.
Article 304 delineates the circumstances under which states can restrict interstate trade and commerce. It provides that while states cannot impose taxes or duties that discriminate against goods imported from other states, they may do so if such measures are necessary to protect state revenue or the general public’s interest. However, any law imposing such restrictions must receive the President’s assent.
Moreover, the effectiveness of Articles 303 and 304 in promoting a unified market is contingent upon their consistent implementation and enforcement. Instances of states resorting to protectionist measures or imposing arbitrary restrictions can undermine the spirit of these constitutional provisions, leading to fragmentation and inefficiencies in the national economy.
Saving of Existing Laws and Laws Providing for State Monopolies:
Article 305 safeguards the validity of existing laws and statutes establishing state monopolies on trade and commerce. It ensures that laws enacted before the commencement of the Constitution, which may contravene the provisions of Article 301, remain operative until amended or repealed by competent legislative authority.
The essence of Article 305 lies in its recognition of the legal validity of laws enacted before the commencement of the Constitution, even if they may conflict with the provisions of Article 301. These laws, which may establish state monopolies or impose restrictions on trade, can remain in force until they are duly amended or repealed by competent legislative authority.
By safeguarding the validity of existing laws, Article 305 strikes a delicate balance between the imperatives of economic freedom and the need for stability and continuity in governance. It acknowledges that the transition to a free trade regime cannot occur overnight and must consider the practical realities and historical context in which these laws were enacted.
Landmark Judgement:
The precedents and the judgements hold the arguments more vital, and in law, the judgment decides the rationale of the motive. Several landmark judgments have shaped the interpretation of these provisions. Here are a few notable ones:
- Atiabari Tea Co. vs. State of Assam (1961): This case emphasised the importance of Article 301 and held that state laws imposing unreasonable restrictions on trade and commerce violate the Constitution.
- Automobile Transport Ltd. vs. State of Rajasthan (1963): The court ruled that the state cannot discriminate against goods from other states in matters of taxation or regulation.
- The State of Mysore vs. Sanjeeviah (1967): The court clarified that Article 301 does not prevent the state from imposing reasonable restrictions for public welfare.
- G.K. Krishna vs. State of Tamil Nadu (1975): The court upheld the validity of state laws regulating trade and commerce if they serve a legitimate public purpose.
Concluding Remarks
Articles 301 to 307 of the Constitution of India embody the delicate balance between economic freedom and regulatory authority. While Article 301 espouses the ideal of a free and unimpeded market, the subsequent articles delineate the contours of permissible state intervention. The evolving jurisprudence surrounding these provisions underscores the need for a nuanced approach that promotes economic growth while safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders. As India strides towards greater economic integration and prosperity, applying these constitutional principles will be indispensable in realising the nation’s full potential.

Author:Himanshu Singh, a Student of Xavier Law School, Bhubaneswar