Role of Media in Democracy and its Relevance in Contemporary Time


               By Ramneek kaur, a student at Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, New Delhi


At the beginning there are three pillars of democracy, i.e., legislative, executive and judiciary but now media is considered as the fourth one. Medial is an essential element of democracy, as it is a communicator between the public and the eminent personalities or politicians. It addresses the issues of general public by asking questions, organizing debates and interview sessions with the prominent names. Media furnish the people with the truth which thereby help them to choose their representative wisely. This paper will emphasize on the role of media in democracy and its pertinence in contemporary time along with the cases. 


The main work of media is to provide veracious information to the people, as it is so crucial for the people to know what is happening around the world. Media plays a vital role in democracy as it is a humongous platform, which educates us and shows us the clear image of the politicians or the big names. Most of the time people from media face attacks, intimidation and threats by government officials which is not an appropriate act. Everybody has right to freedom of speech and expression guaranteed under Article 19 of the Indian constitution which also incorporates freedom of press which means suppressing the media by any means is violation of their right. Media present diverse view points and conduct healthy debates and deliberations in regard with the actions and commitments made by the officials through which people messages and concerns are conveyed to the officials. Journalism should be given enough space in democracy without any interruption by the officials as to which media can act with Fidelity and utmost honesty maintaining their integrity. 

To the Point

Media is an integral part of democracy, without it democracy is not successful. Free press guides, educate and furnish the people with insights on almost everything happening around the world. Press acknowledges the issues of people and become their voice. Free press is always contemplated as healthy democracy. Free press help us to know about political, social, economic and many more topics of contemporary time or near future. Media and democracy can create an environment of healthy growth of the nation. Media not only emphasize on democratic norms but it also enhances the pace of development in the society. Without media we cannot even imagine a flourishing democracy, as media works like a right hand of democracy. It strengthens the democracy to the fullest by respectively imparting information. Furthermore, Media dispense us with all the important information in the form of news, which shows us reality but sometimes media is brutal harsh too.

Contemporary Relevance of Media in Democracy

  • Media controls the human behavior indirectly, as people nowadays are so vulnerable and confined in problems due to which they feel so connected with the current technology and media. Media influence the people to think in a certain way. They show what they want the people to think or believe. 
  • Media in today’s time not only provide us information but it also interprets the information for our ease. It facilitates us with different meanings and its contemporary or future importance thereby it vanishes the ambiguity running in the minds of people.
  • Earlier media acts traditionally and it furnishes very limited information but if we talk about the current scenario media connects us with numerous sources and sites which help us to know what is happening globally.
  • Media not only impart us with information, it also dispenses people with work opportunities or work enhancement through their advertisement program.
  • Nowadays media give recognition to influencers on social media as well because they work like media only in imparting accurate information about the prevailing things which thereby promote people to come up and speak, which strengthens the democracy more day by day. 
  • Media uplifts socializing; now people are becoming more social and aware about the things happening politically, socially and financially which ultimately helps them to choose their representative wisely.
  • Media shows the truth to the people which sometimes expose the big names but serve the people with reality irrespective of becoming harsh, which is according to me is a step forward towards healthy democracy.
  • Media encourage public debates with big names which gives the public chance to ask questions from the officials or politicians. 

           Responsibilities of Media 

  • It is the obligation of media to show the things with full transparency, fairness and exactly the way they are.     
  •  Media should act in a Fidel manner and furnish people with veracious information.
  •  Media should avoid saying anything before the final conclusion which gives false hopes to the people thereby affecting the mindset of the people.
  • Media shall not show any false news or glorify absurd things for entertainment purpose.
  • Media should conduct literacy program so that illiterate public can also understand about media and the way it works.

           Case Laws

           State v. Siddarth Vashisht Manu Sharma & Ors, 2001

 In this case a model named Jessica Lal refused to serve drinks to Siddarth Vashisht, son of a politician, owing to which she was shot dead by the Siddarth Vashisht. This case was shut down but due to heavy media coverage it reopened and taken by High Court thereby declaring Manu Sharma as guilty.

Romesh Thappar v. State of Madras, 1950

This case is related to freedom of press, the court while ruling on the impugned order held freedom of speech and expression also incorporates freedom of propagating ideas that can be assured by proper circulation.

Sanjeev Nanda v. The State, 1999

The famous BMW case in which, three young people killed 6 people from which one is Sanjeev Nanda, grandson of former navy chief. This case criticized the Indian judiciary on overlooking the obvious proofs. Moreover, NDTV held a sting operation exposed the advocates of both sides who were trying to change the testimony by evading the truth. 


 Information is a vital need for citizens in this modern time, it is highly   important for the citizens to know how all the things are working as democracy is for and by the people. Contemporary media is so crucial for education, information, insights on any particular topic and entertainment motive. In today’s time media is seen as a tool for development and healthy growth and to maintain this media, should adhere to media ethics and furnish people with clean, clear and real information as to which people can have a reasonable decision making without any ambiguity.

 As we all know that India is the biggest newspaper market so it should work without any biasness otherwise it will create a distinct mindset in people which can lead to some serious repercussions in future. Media should always work with a positive approach, which thereby help in strong nation building. Moreover media shall avoid sharing sensitive data, information and pictures and respect the privacy of the victim. Furthermore media shall not conclude the decision before the court by declaring someone guilty.


What is media?

Media is a platform that furnishes us with information, educate us and entertain us.

What is the role of media in democracy?

Medial is an essential element of democracy, as it is a communicator between the public and the eminent personalities or politicians. It addresses the issues of general public by asking questions, organizing debates and interview sessions with the prominent names. Media furnish the people with the truth which thereby help the people to choose their representative wisely.

          What is the contemporary importance of media in a democratic society?

Earlier media acts traditionally and it furnishes very limited information but if we talk about the current scenario media connects us with numerous sources and sites which help us to know what is happening globally. Moreover media uplifts socializing; now people are becoming more social and aware about the things happening politically, socially and financially which ultimately helps them to choose their representative wisely.

What are the responsibilities of media?

  • It is the obligation of media to show the things with full transparency, fairness and exactly the way they are.     
  •  Media should act in a Fidel manner and furnish people with veracious information.
  •  Media should avoid saying anything before the final conclusion which gives false hopes to the people thereby affecting the mindset of the people.
  • Media shall not show any false news or glorify absurd things for entertainment purpose.
  • Media should conduct literacy program so that illiterate public can also understand about media and the way it works.


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