Author: Aishwarya Sinha, Amity Law School, Patna


Caste politics in India has been a long standing issues that has deeply impacted the country’s political landscape. The caste system, a social hierarchy rooted in Hindu beliefs that refer to categorizing individuals based on their birth, caste into different groups . This system not only represent social interactions but also plays an important role in politics. Caste plays as a powerful tool in elections, mobilizing voters and shaping party alliances. Reservations for unprivileged group aim to improve their conditions and grant them representation with equality. The role of caste in Indian politics is important for understanding the country’s electoral dynamics.

Background of Caste Politics in India
Ancient Social Hierarchy : The caste system , a social hierarchy based on birth, has existed in India from earlier days. Basically it is divided into 4 varnas – Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. This system represented the occupations, social interactions and access to resources unequally.  This complex structure created a vast web of social relations that represent by both cooperation and conflict.

Colonial Influence :  British colonial rule has greatly shaped caste politics. Whereas the British wanted to use the existing caste system as a powerful  tool for the administrative purposes, their policies also increased the existing inequalities. The British colonial rule emphasis on individual rights and legal equality. Therefore, it leads to the rise of social reform movements and anti-caste activism.

Post-Independence era : The Indian Constitution clearly eradicate the caste based discrimination and sought to establish a casteless society. But, unfortunately simply banning the discrimination was insufficient to eradicate the caste discrimination from the society. The political landscape witnessed the rise of caste based parties and movements. Using caste identity as a powerful tool for mobilizing  voters and gaining political power.


Vote bank policies : Political parties often request to specific caste to give them vote and promises to provide benefit to them in exchange of votes. This leads to formation of vote banks.
Reservation System : Our constitution introduced the reservation system . The reservation system is applied to several field like education, government jobs for  Backward classes, Scheduled castes , Scheduled tribes in order to address  the injustice and discrimination suffered by them. The main of the system of reservation is to provide equality, justice to the unprivileged group. This system is also use as a powerful tool in caste politics, with parties vying the support of these reserved categories.

Caste Based Representation: The electoral system which is not clearly caste based but candidates belongs to specific caste often choose people from their own caste  This would ultimately leads to increasing of  voters from the specific caste group.

Patronage : Political powers often seen as promising specific caste to provide the benefits like distributing resources to them or doing any kind of favour in order to gain their support , strengthening  the dependence of certain groups on specific politicians.

National Committee for Scheduled Castes: The NCSC  is a constitutional body that specially addresses the caste based discrimination and provide justice to an unprivileged castes.


Political Polarization : Political parties often seen as aligning themselves with specific caste groups in order to gain their support to secure votes. This leads to political polarization, where governance becomes more about fulfilling the needs of specific caste group and rather than fullfilling the broader needs of society.

Economic Inequality  : Caste based politics can perpetuate economic inequalities. Policies are made in favor of certain castes, particularly under the reservation system leading to neglect the economically weaker section of the society, where resources are not allocate in the fair manner and the needs of the economically weaker section of the society is not fulfilled. This results in increased inequalities.

Undermining Meritocracy : Focusing on caste  in political and educational spheres can undermine the principles of merit and competency. The system of reservation , which aimed at promoting equality and justice to the weaker section of the society which ultimately  results in disadvantages for the higher castes where the meritocratic principles are overshadowed  by caste considerations.

Conflicts and Violence : Caste identity politics can increase tensions and often leads to conflict and violence. Conflict against the castes groups can result in social unrest, riots , hampering the peace of the nation and not only impacting those who are involved but all affect the large number of public by instilling fear and insecurity among them.

Contemporary Challenges :Today, caste politics remains an important feature of Indian politics. Some argue that it is necessary for marginalized communities to gain political representation and to address their grievances by fullfilling their needs, while others criticize it for increasing social divisions and hampering national progress. The challenges can overcome by balancing the goals of social justice and development with the need to promote an equitable and neutral existing political system.

Efforts  to Mitigate caste politics
Legislative Measures :  Governments have enacted many laws ,  the main goal is to prohibit caste based discrimination, promoting equality and social justice to everyone. Some measures include the reservation system in both educational institutions  and government jobs for the marginalized communities.

Promoting Economic Opportunities: Promoting inclusive economic policies that provide employment, access to resources  equally for the castes without any discrimination. This helps in in promoting economic equality. Skill development programs, training are essential for the marginalized communities in order to become financially independent.

NGOs  ; Non-governmental Organizations that focuses on caste issues can address the grievances of the marginalized communities. These Organizations serves as a powerful tool for promoting economic equality and also provide resources for empowerment. NGOs  make programs in order to promote equal justice to everyone irrespective of caste and also helps in eradicating caste based discrimination from the society.

Community Engagement :  Encouraging communication and interactions among different caste groups can helps in breaking the stereotypes and foster mutual respect. Exchanging dialogue among different caste groups helps in promoting equality.

Awareness Campaigns : Civil society organizations and activist promote awareness programs and events like Dalit History Month to promote social justice and educate people about consequences of caste based discrimination . Spreading awareness is the main aim of these campaigns , they do so by rallies, meetings and cultural events. Some examples are – National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights, Hate Hatao.
Political Engagement: Political parties such as Bahujan Samaj Party mainly focuses  on representing Dalits interests  The main objective of these parties was resisting the inequalities , caste empowerment.


Caste Politics remains a significant challenge , hindering social and economic progress. Whereas several steps are taken towards reducing the impact of caste based discrimination. Caste politics , historically rooted in the social fabric of India, has evolved over time. It has played a very important role in mobilizing various groups for representation and participation But caste politics continue to remain in the society There is a need for spreading awareness, educating people about the consequences of caste based discrimination which leads to stop the growth of the society. This transition will require efforts from policymakers, civil society and citizens to ensure that democracy and equality is upheld.


1. What is caste politics in India ?
Ans : Caste politics in India is refers to the political mobilization of groups and individuals  based on their caste identity. Political parties often seen as requesting specific caste based groups in order to secure votes in exchange of patronage. Caste plays an important role in political landscape of India.

2. How did caste politics emerge in India ?
Ans : Caste politics emerge in India from earlier days. It began to emerge during the ancient era , where caste were divided into 4 varnas – Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras . During the colonial era, where the British  used caste identities for administrative  purposes  for promoting caste division. After Independence, the political system recognized caste as a powerful tool for ensuring social justice , policies like reservation system for the Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes and other Backward classes.

3. How does caste affect voting behaviour in India ?
Ans : In India, caste often influence voting behaviour. Voters may often choose candidates of their own caste or parties that represent their caste group’s  interests. This ultimately leads to higher number of votes to a specific political party. This is more prevalent in states like UP, Bihar and Tamil Nadu.

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