Genetic Editing: Legal and Ethical Dimensions

Author: Bhumika Rathore,
University College Of Law, Udaipur

Genome editing is famously known as genome engineering or gene editing; a technique using which a specific gene is inserted, removed, amplified, or replaced within the of a living organism. Genetic engineering as a method of introducing new genetic elements into organisms has been around since the 1970s. CRISPR-Cas9 stands for Tailed gene editing and it is by far the most popular type of gene editing.

The widespread adoption of CRISPR-Cas9 and other gene editing techniques has profoundly impacted medicine, agriculture, and biosciences, yet it has also sparked significant legal, ethical, and social challenges. This article examines the legal implications of genetic editing, including FDA and European GMO Directive regulations concerning bioethics, intellectual property, and privacy rights. Ethical concerns arise particularly in germline editing and the ethical implications of modifying inheritable traits. Advances in CRISPR-Cas9 highlight its precision in treating diseases and enhancing crop yields, underscoring the need for balanced technological advancement within robust legal frameworks.

Legal Implications:
The area of genetic editing has interfaces with several legal aspects such as; Genetic editing and regulation, bioethics, intellectual property, data privacy, international human rights. The measures of regulation differ from one country to another with key agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration in the United States and GMO Directive of the European Union. Issues like germline editing and germline interventions raise questions on consent and ethical standpoint. Patent litigation especially on the CRISPR-Cas9 technology determines control as well as monetary benefits. Various laws, for example, Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) prevents misuse of genetic information. Global governance is a matter of importance for international organizations such as WHO and UNESCO already as they insist on proper protection of human rights in the process of genetic editing. The use of genetic editing including the CRISPR-Cas9 system has many legal implications that are critical in the legalization of the technique for proper development and utilization. These legal implications include:
Regulatory Compliance: The U. S Food and Drug Administration for instance, and the GMO directive of the European union all have laid down frameworks that must be adhered to by the researchers and developers. Such regulations have to be met in order to guarantee the safety of the applications and their efficiency in genetic editing.
Data Privacy: Genetic information in researching and in clinician practice has receptor consequential data protection issues. There are U.S. laws such as GINA that seek to prevent discrimination against people because of their genetic content. It is important that any country that aspires to engage in the use of genetic data should ensure that they meet the said privacy laws, as this will help curb the misuse of genetic data.

Legal Boundaries of Genetic Editing:
The freedom and ability to engage in genetic editing is controlled severely by laws, rules, and regulations in order to avoid misuse in genetic editing.
Here’s a brief overview:-
Somatic vs. Germline Editing:-
Somatic Editing is Completely legal in most of the countries, somatic editing acts on non reproductive cells and as a result it is not genetic and does not affect the subsequent generations. It is mainly employed for medical use for instance, genetic conditions.
Germline Editing is categorized globally as either very restricted or banned for ethical reasons of placing possible genetic modifications that could be inherited by the offspring. Some of the countries permit the use of germline editing for research purposes only and not for reproductive purposes, and provided that, the conditions must meet very strict measures.
International Agreements and Guidelines:-
Declaration of Helsinki this is a set of rules for the protection of patient’s rights and giving of proper information regarding their health condition.Advocacy for compliant usage of genetic methods, ban on cloning, and a request of germline editing as a sensitive area of research by UNESCO and WHO.
National Regulations:-
United States ~ the use of genetic editing therapies is managed by the FDA authority that demands clinical trials and tests for safety. NIH has rules regarding funding of research and measures of ethics.
European Union ~ Concerning gene therapies, the EMA has the jurisdiction, while ethics are provided by the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies. The EU’s GMO Directive also applies to the agricultural applications of genetic editing.
India ~Building its related frameworks, especially the ethical and safe approaches on genetic editing. At the moment, lacks codified law with the subject of genetic editing or any piece of legislation that is purely on that topic.

The Proof:
Many works and test trials back up the efficiency as well as the possibility of genetic editing technologies. For instance:-
Sickle Cell Disease Treatment: Trials with human patients that have applied CRISPR-Cas9 to the treatment of sickle cell disease have been proven to work as a therapy because the directed changes to the patients’ genes had an observable improvement.
Agricultural Enhancements: CRISPR has been applied to create Genetically modified crops that can resist pests and climates’ harsh conditions resulting in higher yields and food security.
Cancer Research: The use of CRISPR in cancer therapy through trials that seek to tackle particular cancer genes has demonstrated the method’s effectiveness in slowing down the growth of tumors and enhancing the survival of the patients.

Case Laws:
Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc. (2013):
– This landmark case addressed the patentability of naturally occurring human genes. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that naturally occurring DNA sequences cannot be patented, impacting the landscape of genetic research and intellectual property rights.

CRISPR Patent Dispute (UC Berkeley vs. Broad Institute):
– A high-profile legal battle over the patent rights to CRISPR-Cas9 technology. The Broad Institute was initially awarded the patents, but UC Berkeley challenged this, leading to ongoing litigation and significant implications for the control and commercialization of CRISPR technologies.

International Summit on Human Gene Editing (2015):
– This summit, organized by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the UK’s Royal Society, resulted in a statement calling for a moratorium on germline editing until the ethical and safety concerns are adequately addressed. This highlights the global consensus on the cautious approach needed for germline editing

Ethical Concerns:
Ethical issues include the potential for unintended consequences. There are possible primary and secondary risks, germline editing, and making what some people call ‘‘playing God’’ or ‘‘designer babies.’’ Questions that arise in these regards are consent issues and the impact on future generations. As the described issues rise to complexities, it is indispensable to refer to ethical standards and frameworks.

Liability and Responsibility in Genetic Editing:
When genetic editing leads to unforeseen health issues or environmental impacts, determining responsibility is complex and may involve multiple parties
Primary Responsibility: It is up to the scientists who are involved in the particular research to maintain the safety and ethical level within their project. They are to abide by certain standard practices, policies, as well as standards that involve risk evaluation.
Negligence or Misconduct: They can be easily sued if it can be proved that they were negligent in their work or if they indulge in misconducts like fabrication of data or omitting vital safety checks.
Funding Bodies: The supervisors and managers equally and collectively oversee the safety and ethics of ongoing projects and bear the risk when they do not supervise the projects well enough.
Regulatory Agencies: Being in charge of approving and supervising the reseach projects, they could be held liable if there is negligence in the supervision process.
Legal and Ethical Framework: Legal requirements and ethical codes such as those set in the Jurisdiction specific and international guidelines like the Declaration of Helsinki lay down the principles and guidelines governing the research on genetics responsibly.

Regulatory Developments in India:
India is currently developing legislation for biotechnology and genetic engineering. As genetic editing technologies advance, new regulations may emerge. Scholars and consumers should stay informed about these developments to ensure compliance with ethical and legal standards. Currently, India lacks comprehensive laws specifically addressing genetic editing.

CRISPR-Cas9 holds transformative potential for medicine, agriculture, and biology, but it also poses significant legal, ethical, and social challenges. Robust regulatory frameworks, comprehensive codes of ethics, and independent oversight are imperative. Stakeholders, including the scientific community, funding entities, and regulatory bodies, must ensure adherence to safety standards, ethical guidelines, and legal requirements. Coordinated legislative efforts are crucial to responsibly advance and diversify genetic editing technologies, thereby protecting public confidence and well-being.

1) What do you mean or understand by the term genetic editing?
Genetic editing is a process where new genetic material is introduced to an organisms’ DNA or where the existing material is deleted or changed. CRISPR-Cas9 is the most used technique for targeted modifications of genes in organisms’ genomes.

2)What is the implication of the law as relates to genetic editing?
Specific legal issues include the following: Legal regulations, patents, and licenses, data protection and confidentiality, and freedom from bias and discrimination. The rules and laws of countries differ and there are international organizations that call for a global rule.

3)How does CRISPR-Cas9 work?
CRISPR-Cas9 targets a certain DNA sequence using a guide RNA and Cas9 enzyme to cleave the DNA. There is then the possibility of using the DNA repair mechanisms to bring about specific modifications to the genetic information.

4)How is genetic editing related to Ethics?
These are the problems of side effects or risks, germline editing, and designer babies; problems with consent, and problems with the generations to come.

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