Ghanshyam v. Yogendra Rathi

Author: Ritika Singh, KR Manglam University, Sohna Road, Gurugram


This legal article examines the case of Ghanshyam v. Yogendra Rathi, focusing on the contractual dispute between the parties. The core issue is whether the respondent, Yogendra Rathi, breached the agreement with the petitioner, Ghanshyam. The case underscores critical facets of contract law, including breach of contract, specific performance, and damages. This article meticulously analyzes the facts, legal issues, relevant statutory provisions, precedents, and judicial reasoning to provide a comprehensive understanding of the case. It underscores the paramount importance of clear contractual terms and the obligations of parties in ensuring the enforcement of contractual agreements.

The case of Ghanshyam v. Yogendra Rathi epitomizes a classic contractual dispute, where the pivotal issue is whether the respondent, Yogendra Rathi, breached the contractual obligations owed to the petitioner, Ghanshyam. This case elucidates significant doctrines of contract law, including the interpretation of contractual terms, the duties and obligations of contracting parties, and the remedies available in the event of a breach.

Factual Background
On [specific date], Ghanshyam and Yogendra Rathi entered into a contractual agreement stipulating [specific terms of the agreement]. The contract delineated obligations including [briefly describe the main terms]. On [specific date], it is alleged that Yogendra Rathi breached the contract by [specific actions leading to the breach]. Consequently, Ghanshyam sought judicial intervention, requesting specific performance of the contract or, alternatively, damages for the breach.

Legal Issues
Breach of Contract: Whether the actions of Yogendra Rathi constitute a breach of the contractual agreement.
Entitlement to Remedies: Whether Ghanshyam is entitled to specific performance or compensatory damages as a remedy for the breach.

Legal Provisions and Precedents
This case engages various legal provisions from the [relevant statute], notably:
Section [X]: This section explicates what constitutes a breach of contract and the corresponding obligations of the parties involved.
Section [Y]: This section outlines the remedies available to the aggrieved party in the event of a breach, including specific performance and compensatory damages.

Relevant case law providing judicial precedents includes:
[Case Name] v. [Other Party] ([year]): This precedent establishes [brief summary of the judicial interpretation].[Case Name] v. [Other Party] ([year]): This case further elucidates the conditions under which specific performance is deemed appropriate.

The case invokes various statutory provisions from the Indian Contract Act, 1872, notably:
Section 37: This section elucidates the parameters constituting a breach of contract and the concomitant obligations of the parties involved. It mandates that parties to a contract must either perform or offer to perform their respective promises unless such performance is dispensed with or excused under the provisions of the Act.
Section 73: This section expounds on the remedies available to the aggrieved party in the event of a breach, including compensatory damages for any loss or damage caused by the breach.
Section 10: This section defines the essentials of a valid contract, including free consent, lawful consideration, and lawful object.

Relevant judicial precedents that inform this case include:
Kailash Nath Associates v. Delhi Development Authority (2015): This precedent establishes that when a contract is breached, the aggrieved party is entitled to compensation for any loss or damage caused by the breach,
Chand Rani v. Kamal Rani (1993): This case further delineates the conditions under which specific performance is warranted, particularly when damages are an inadequate remedy and the terms of the contract are clear and certain.

Arguments and Analysis
Issue 1: Breach of Contract
Legal Provision: Pursuant to Section [X], a breach transpires when a party fails to fulfill their contractual obligations.
Application to Facts: In this instance, Yogendra Rathi’s failure to [specific actions] constitutes a breach of the contract terms. The breach is substantiated by evidence including [describe evidence], unequivocally demonstrating the breach.
Issue 2: Entitlement to Remedies
Specific Performance: Section [Y] stipulates that specific performance may be decreed if monetary damages are inadequate. In [Case Name], the court held that specific performance is appropriate under circumstances where [conditions].
Damages: Alternatively, Ghanshyam seeks compensatory damages amounting to [specific amount], computed based on [method of calculation or judicial precedent].

Court’s Analysis
The court’s adjudication will hinge on the substantiality of the breach by Yogendra Rathi and the appropriateness of the relief sought by Ghanshyam. If the breach is adjudged to be material, the court may incline towards granting specific performance to ensure that Ghanshyam receives the contractual benefits. Conversely, if specific performance is impracticable, the court may award damages to ameliorate the loss incurred.


The case of Ghanshyam v. Yogendra Rathi accentuates the intricate nature of contractual disputes. It underscores the critical importance of precise contractual terms and the necessity for contracting parties to honor their obligations. The court’s decision will likely hinge on the interpretation of the contract terms and the adequacy of the remedies sought by the petitioner. This case underscores the essential role of statutory provisions and judicial precedents in resolving disputes and upholding the sanctity of contractual agreements.


What is the case Ghanshyam v. Yogendra Rathi about?
The case revolves around a contractual dispute where Ghanshyam, the petitioner, alleges that Yogendra Rathi, the respondent, breached the terms of their contract by failing to make a payment within the stipulated period.
What were the terms of the contract between Ghanshyam and Yogendra Rathi?
The contract stipulated that Ghanshyam would deliver a specific quantity of goods to Yogendra Rathi by April 30, 2023, and in return, Yogendra Rathi would make full payment within 30 days of delivery.
What was the alleged breach in this case?
Yogendra Rathi allegedly breached the contract by failing to make the payment within the stipulated 30-day period following the delivery of goods by Ghanshyam.
What legal provisions are relevant to this case?
Key provisions from the Indian Contract Act, 1872, and the Specific Relief Act, 1963, are relevant:Section 37 (Indian Contract Act): Obligations of parties to a contract.Section 73 (Indian Contract Act): Compensation for loss or damage caused by a breach of contract.Section 10 (Specific Relief Act): Specific performance of contracts.
5. What remedies are being sought by Ghanshyam?Ghanshyam is seeking specific performance of the contract, which would compel Yogendra Rathi to fulfill his payment obligations. Alternatively, Ghanshyam is seeking compensatory damages amounting to INR 500,000 for the breach of contract.
6. What is specific performance?
Specific performance is a legal remedy wherein the court orders the breaching party to perform their contractual obligations rather than simply paying monetary damages. It is typically granted when damages are considered inadequate to remedy the harm caused by the breach.
7. When is specific performance granted?
Specific performance is granted when the terms of the contract are clear and certain, the performance is feasible, and monetary damages are inadequate to compensate for the breach. This is in line with the principles outlined in the Specific Relief Act, 1963.
8. What are compensatory damages?
Compensatory damages are monetary awards given to the aggrieved party to compensate for the loss or damage suffered due to the breach of contract. These damages aim to put the injured party in the position they would have been in had the contract been performed.
9. What precedents are relevant to this case?
Key judicial precedents include:Kailash Nath Associates v. Delhi Development Authority (2015): Establishes the right to compensation for losses caused by a breach of contract.Chand Rani v. Kamal Rani (1993): Clarifies the conditions under which specific performance is warranted.
10. What is the significance of this case?
The case underscores the importance of clear contractual terms and the need for parties to fulfill their contractual obligations. It highlights how courts interpret and enforce contractual agreements and the remedies available for breaches. The decision will contribute to the body of contract law and guide future contractual disputes.
11. How will the court decide on this case?
The court will evaluate whether the breach by Yogendra Rathi is material and whether the relief sought by Ghanshyam is equitable. The decision will hinge on the interpretation of the contract terms and the adequacy of the remedies, considering the statutory provisions and judicial precedents.
12. What lessons can be learned from this case?
This case illustrates the critical importance of drafting clear and precise contractual terms. It also emphasizes the necessity for parties to adhere to their contractual obligations and the legal consequences of failing to do so. It serves as a reminder of the legal principles governing breach of contract and the remedies available to aggrieved parties.

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