“Our children are the blessings of god.” This is the slogan used by many of the Polypedists. By saying this, their duty towards state is over and now they can fire bullet by keeping the gun on God’s shoulder. To increase the strength of their family tree, they produce child like snake give eggs. Now they are free to exploit the resources of the country as they are exploiting their child’s and mother’s health.
Sex is the most unused word in Indian families, as parents consider as if their child will induce habit of sex. This could be a reason but parents also feel ashamed to talk about that topic. The Ministry of health and family welfare runs many campaigns to promote the use of condoms during sex. Prostitute who use any contraceptive during sex has increased to 91% in 2020. This shows if you provide correct knowledge to people in correct manner, then it will be helpful in many ways. Contraceptive is very useful during sex as it decrease STI related death in the coming years.
How IPC is related to sex education
IPC was formed to cover all the aspects of substantive criminal law in India. It tells the right to citizen and non-citizen of country to protect themselves from sexual violence as mentioned in the section 354(A) and 376. There are some legal rights which should be informed to children as early as possible such as,
- Age of consent :- As mentioned in the section 375 of IPC it is said that age of girl should be above 18 years otherwise given consent or not it will be considered as a rape.
- Reporting of sexual violence :- In many instances this has been seen that if a girl has complained about sexual violence to an adult then many of them ask her to be quiet about this as it would tarnish the image of girl itself. As this is morally wrong also because girl hasn’t done anything wrong and she has right to avail justice.
- Fear of undue influence :- This has been seen that some elderly person put influence on children to involve in any sexual activity with them. Children should not be afraid and should complain to teacher and their parents.
These are some points that should be known to children if they face any wrong happening.
What is Sex Education?
Education related to sexual health of person of different age and type. It promotes healthy relationship between couple, breaks myths related to sexual activity. A skilled and well trained person can give necessary training about sex education.
UNESCO has released research in which 85% of the countries has adopted sex education in their laws or policies. But India is far behind from this, as government is not putting any major efforts related to commencement of sex education in syllabus. There are some of instances which are mentioned below which show the urgent need of sex education.
- There was a news reported in Maharashtra that a man of 30 years killed his sister who was only 12 year old because he mistakes menstrual blood to be the result of sex. She had first menstrual cycle which was a new thing to him. Because of intellectual disability and lack of knowledge related to sex education lead to this mishappening.
- There was a case of Ranchi where a minor girl died due to early age intercourse with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend can’t handle excessive blood loss during sex because of early age sex.
- Research done by T.O.I in which it is shown that every day 13 women died due to unsafe abortion. Many unmarried girls do suicide because they don’t have knowledge about the legality of abortion. By this unsafe abortion has become the third most leading cause of maternal deaths in country.
In India there is a need of free sanitary pads and education from government, may save lives of many women living in village. They will use sanitary pads until its price come to zero and have proper knowledge of usage and disposal because they don’t have essentials for livelihood, then how can they purchase such an expensive sanitary pads. This is just a single example for the need of sex education there are many instances where the need reflects in the society.

I Adarsh Tripathi urge government to make it compulsory from primary classes to include the subject of sex education in it. Most of the developed countries have adopted sex education in there primary(68%) and secondary education(76%), meanwhile India having a huge population, should also go in the same and generous direction.
Author:- ADARSH TRIPATHI, a Student of Manikchand Pahade law college, sambhaji nagar