BY Sakshi Jha, student of Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad, IV Semester


We live in the internet age, where every work requires internet use. The internet is taking over almost every aspect of our lives. It has made our lives very easy, with the answer to almost any question at the tip of our fingers. We are one click away from learning a new skill, learning a new language, or finding the answer to any question. It has also made it very easy to connect with people across the globe. Since the internet has given easy access to communicate with people online, cybercrime has also increased a lot since it has become easy to exploit people online. 

Any illegal behaviour involving a computer, network, or networked device is called cybercrime. In this article, we will, look into what is meant by cybercrime and will look into this concept in depth.


Criminal action that involves the intentional use or targeting of a computer, computer network, or networked device is known as cybercrime. Hackers or cybercriminals looking to profit from their crimes commit the majority of cybercrime. On occasion, though, cybercrime seeks to harm networks or computers for purposes other than financial gain.

Cybercrime is on the rise due to several issues. The swift ubiquity of smartphones and internet access has extended the attack surface and pool of prospective victims available to cyber criminals.

Furthermore, there are now more opportunities for financial fraud and data theft due to the expansion of e-commerce, online banking, and digital payment systems. The issue is made worse by users’ ignorance of cybersecurity, weak legislative frameworks, and the ever-changing strategies used by cybercriminals.

Ransomware attacks account for over half of all cyberattacks, according to cybersecurity statistics. The figures went on to say that because healthcare databases are so important to businesses, they are the most targeted. Additionally, malicious software and viruses are distributed via social networking platforms, jeopardising private data.

Depending on the extent of the breach, rectifying a data breach can be quite costly. Cybercriminals are capable of stealing vast quantities of data. A security breech occurs when private or sensitive information is taken or seen without authorization. This is known as a data breach.

With an average cost of $9.44 million, the United States leads the world in data breach expenses. Canada comes in second with $5.6 million, and India comes in third with $2.32 million.

Cybercrimes can prevented in the following way:

Every employee in the firm should be committed to doing their part to combat cyber security, viewing it as a shared responsibility. Stated differently, it’s not enough to hand it over to the IT department. Good cyber security practices come in many forms and can help stave off online attacks. Strong cyber defence is essential. Any cyber risk management strategy should prioritise staff education and assistance. Awareness programmes that inform the entire organisation of the value of cyber security and how to report an attack are crucial.

Investing in reliable security software is a smart move because it offers comprehensive protection for your devices, identity, and online privacy in addition to assisting in the safeguarding of your personal and financial data.

Continue to update your programme. When it comes to your operating systems and internet security software, this is quite crucial. Known vulnerabilities in software, or exploits, are a common tool cybercriminals use to access your system. By fixing those vulnerabilities and exploits, you can reduce the likelihood of becoming a cybercrime target.

Safeguard your personal and confidential data. It is best to post as little information publicly as possible since social engineering cybercriminals can frequently obtain your personal information with just a few data points. For example, posting your pet’s name or disclosing your mother’s maiden name could expose the answers to two often-asked security questions.

Steps to take once you find out you’re a victim of cybercrime:

Block your bank account, contact the bank authorities, and warn them as soon as you notice you have been the victim of cyber fraud that your personal information has been compromised.

National Cybercrime Reporting Portal (NCRP): The Indian government launched this platform to make it easier for victims and complainants to report cybercrime online. Only complaints about cybercrimes are accepted through this portal, with a focus on crimes against women and children. Law enforcement authorities and police handle complaints submitted through this portal using the information given.

You can also file a complaint online. If you cannot report a complaint online, you can reach the nearest police station. After that, the police officers will take the appropriate action and forward the case to the cyber cell.


As helpful and easy as the internet has made our lives, we must be wary of cybercrime. We must take preventive measures to ensure that we are not a victim of cybercrime. But in any unfortunate case, if one becomes a cybercrime victim, they can follow the aforementioned steps to seek help. 

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