Mohori Bibee v. Dharmodas Ghose(1903)

Mohori Bibee v. Dharmodas Ghose(1903)

                                                                                          Author:- Gautam Tomar,Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University Pashchim Vihar East

Abstract: ” Mohori Bibee v. Dharmodas Ghose” is a crucial legitimate case in Indian agreement regulation, chose by the Privy Board in 1903. The case spins around Dharmodas Ghose, a minor who sold his property to Mohori Bibee. Dharmodas tried to get the mortgage back when he was an adult, claiming that the contract was invalid because he was a minor. The Privy Council made it clear that contracts with minors are not automatically void; rather, they can be canceled at the minor’s option once they reach the age of majority. This decision established the voidability doctrine, giving minors the right to cancel contracts signed while they were still minors. Moreover, that’s what it underscored on the off chance that a minor disavows an agreement after achieving larger part, resulting confirmation isn’t reasonable. ” Mohori Bibee v. Dharmodas Ghose” altogether impacted Indian agreement regulation, forming the lawful comprehension of agreements including minors and setting getting through rules that keep on directing the treatment of such agreements in India.


“Mohori Bibee v. Dharmodas Ghose” is an achievement legitimate case in Indian rule that dealt with the issue of arrangements including minors. The case was heard by the Privy Board in 1903 and lastingly affects Indian agreement regulation. For this situation, Dharmodas Ghose, a minor, had sold his property to Mohori Bibee, who went about as his watchman. After Dharmodas arrived at adulthood, he looked to void the home loan, contending that being a minor at that point, he coming up short on legitimate ability to go into a substantial agreement. The Privy Gathering’s choice for this situation laid out significant standards with respect to the situation with contracts made by minors, presenting the idea of voidability and impacting the lawful treatment of such agreements in India.

Court Cycle:

It is common for legal disputes to follow a hierarchical structure as they progress through the court system, allowing for higher-level appeals and reviews. This vertical movement in court procedures fills a few needs, including guaranteeing decency, exactness, and consistency in the use of the law. How about we investigate the central issues of this cycle.

1. Court of Trial: The excursion regularly starts at the preliminary court level. Here, cases are started, proof is introduced, and legitimate contentions are made. The preliminary court is where realities are laid out, and the appointed authority or jury settles on a choice in view of those realities and pertinent regulation. This underlying stage is significant as it sets the establishment until the end of the legitimate interaction.

2. Requests Court: On the off chance that a party is disappointed with the result of the preliminary court, they might have the choice to pursue the choice to a higher court. Requests courts survey the procedures of the preliminary court to decide whether any blunders were made that impacted the result of the case. Not at all like preliminary courts, requests courts don’t normally reconsider proof or hear new declaration. All things considered, they center around legitimate contentions and understandings of the law. The objective is to make certain that the law was applied correctly and that the parties’ rights were upheld during the trial.

3. Transitional Redrafting Court (if relevant): In a few overall sets of laws, there might be a moderate redrafting court between the preliminary court and the most elevated re-appraising court. Similar to the appeals court, this court may provide an additional level of review before a case reaches the jurisdiction’s highest court.

4. Most elevated Investigative Court/High Court: In the event that a party stays unsatisfied with the choice of the requests court or on the other hand assuming the case includes a question of critical legitimate significance, they might look for additional consideration from the most elevated redrafting court, frequently known as the High Court or a comparative assignment relying upon the locale. The decisions of lower courts can be reviewed by the Supreme Court, which can also set legal precedent for the entire jurisdiction. Cases acknowledged by the High Court commonly include significant established issues, clashes between lower courts, or inquiries of huge public interest.

5. Absolution and Point of reference: When a case has been concluded by the most elevated redrafting court, the choice is ordinarily viewed as last, and the lawful standard laid out by the court becomes restricting point of reference for future cases. This guideline of gaze decisis, or “let the choice stand,” guarantees consistency and consistency in the use of the law.

6. Restricted Exemptions and Further Audit: In certain cases, there might be restricted open doors for additional consideration past the most noteworthy re-appraising court. For instance, certain cases might be qualified for survey by a more elevated level legal body, like a global court or council. In addition, there may be means of reopening or reconsidering final judgments in rare instances, such as by appealing on the basis of newly discovered evidence or allegations of procedural misconduct.

In conclusion, the fairness and integrity of the legal system are maintained by moving court proceedings to higher levels. The system contributes to the upkeep of the rule of law, the administration of justice, and the correction of errors by providing opportunities for review and appeal.

Here are some lawful language and terms related with this milestone case:

1. Voidable Contract:

   – A contract that cannot be canceled unless a party with the authority to do so does so. In this case, the Privy Council decided that Dharmodas could cancel the contract he had with Mohori Bibee.

2. Void Stomach muscle Initio:

   – Latin for “void all along.” The case made it clear that contracts with minors are voidable at the minor’s option but not from the start. This means that contracts with minors are voidable.

  1. Convention of Voidability:  

– The legitimate rule that permits a party, for this situation, a minor, to void an agreement assuming they decide to do as such. The choice laid out the precept of voidability for contracts including minors.

4. Ratification:

   – The demonstration of affirming or tolerating an agreement after at first objecting or staying away from it. The case featured that a minor who disavows an agreement after arriving at greater part can’t later endorse it.

5. Ability to Contract:

   – A person’s legal capacity to enter into a valid contract. The case investigated the limit of minors to contract and characterized the results of such agreements.

6. Lawful Guardian:

   – An individual designated to go with legitimate choices for somebody considered unequipped for settling on those choices themselves. For this situation, Mohori Bibee went about as Dharmodas’ watchman.

7. Privy Council:

   – The British colonial legal system’s highest appeals court. In this instance, the Privy Council made the final decision, influencing the legal rules for contracts with minors.

8. Repudiation:

   – Rejecting a contract’s terms or refusing to accept them The case examined the right of a minor to renounce an agreement after arriving at greater part.

9. Lawful Precedent:

   – A choice or judgment in a lawful case that fills in as a definitive model for comparable cases from now on. ” Mohori Bibee v. Dharmodas Ghose” laid out legitimate points of reference in regards to contracts with minors in India.

10. Principle of Consideration:

    – The legitimate prerequisite that each party to an agreement should give something of significant worth (thought) for the agreement to be substantial. The case might include conversations connected with the thought traded in the home loan contract.

Proofs Submitted in The Courts:-

In cases including contracts, gatherings might introduce archives connected with the actual agreement, like the agreements, as well as any arrangements or composed correspondence between the gatherings. Furthermore, the period of Dharmodas at the hour of going into the agreement and any documentation laying out Mohori Bibee’s job as a watchman would have been important.

It’s vital for note that judicial procedures and proof entries are by and large archived in court records. On the off chance that you are searching for explicit insights concerning the proof introduced for this situation, you might need to allude to the authority court records or legitimate analyses working on it, which could give more top to bottom data about the confirmation presented by the two players during the procedures.


The case of “Mohori Bibee v. Dharmodas Ghose” is more than just a legal one when everything is taken into account. it’s a basic segment in the story of how Indian guideline procedures contracts made by youths. The choice gave a make way to minors, expressing that their agreements aren’t completely void yet can be dropped assuming that they decide to do as such in the wake of arriving at adulthood. This case has had an enduring effect, on legitimate teachings as well as on how the law is educated and figured out in India. It addresses a critical second where the law adjusted the need to safeguard youthful people with the acknowledgment of their developing independence.

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