Author: Atharv kulkarni, Shahaji Law College
Introduction -:
In the political field social media has become important and powerful tool. It helps to the politicians to influence and engage with voters. Social media creates direct interaction between politicians and voters.
Social media helps to politicians to receive feedback of their work or any policy. Politicians can use social media platforms to provide updates about themselves or about their campaign.
In coming days use of social media in Indian politics will take a good shape.
Social media growth -:
Social media started growing all over the world with the expand of platforms like facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube etc. These social media platforms promotes many to many model of communication where influencers or creators share content or information to the audience. Social media has really improved the online communication and connectivity. Social media has become marketing tool also it helps for businesses political organisations an NGOs in their working.
In Indian politics -:
As per analytical data india has 462 million social media users till January 2024, which is 30 + percentage of total population. Social media in politics is mainly used for sharing update about government schemes bye connecting them on social media. In the period of covid 19 virus, social media platforms were use to give and take the help. In recent years whole world is revolutioning digitally. This digital evolution also impacted politics. In last 8 to 10 years government has provided virtual platform to the general public for expressing their voice and views. Social media connects the people of same political mindset.
In recent loksabha and vidhansabha elections in India social media campaigning has played important role.
Political parties have reached to the general public through voice messages and digital posters more swiftly.
Social media influencers content creators are playing vital role to influence their audience by sharing their political views about different parties.
At influencers have much audience in numbers political parties also collaborating with them. Due to social media platforms politicians are more accessible through the live interactive sessions.
Role of influencers in Politics -:
Influencers sharing information related politics gains large number of followers during election time.They becomes significant voice or play an important role during election period. Also, other subject content creators also influence their followers during election campaign by just one story or post on social media platforms.
These influencers are famous in youth wing or they influence youth easily. This can also helps to politicians.
Ways to use Social media in Indian politics -:
1. Using to connect voters of the constituency.
2. Sharing about campaigning on social media.
3. Announcing events on platforms like rallies, strike etc.
4. Connecting with social media influencers from the constituency.
5. Criticizing the opponents for their bad decisions and congratulating for good decision on the social media platforms.
6. Thanking supporters and general public for any act or their help.
7. Using social media to understand the public opinion depend upon which shaping working policy.
8. Engaging or collaborating with famous personalities in the constituency.
9. Sharing views on latest political issues through social media platforms.
10. Holding conversation or question-answer sessions on social media
11. Responding negative comments with positive approach.
etc. things are done or can be done.
Youth Participation -:
Social media is mostly popular in the youth class. Government’s role regarding youth is trending topic of internet. If the youth decided to change the social trend they can.
Centralization of politics -:
Recently in maharashtra election was centralized in the ‘ Ladaki Bahin Yojana’. Social media platforms decides the influential points or issues in the election period. Due to this, politicians with great influence can control the narratives and centralized topic of election.
Rise of media influence -:
Social media has provided many platforms for various point of views. Previously the viewpoints were mostly controlled by the television media or newspapers. Due to social media any outside person from politics can also narrate the influence of government. By this, social media is now dominating over traditional media platforms. Now public has broader exposing ideas which can be expressed through social media platforms. When people of contradict thoughts meet online they start abusing each others political parties.
Traditional media situation -:
From the point of view of viewership traditional media is facing back clash due to the rise of social media. The trending information gaining from social media and old style of traditional media of giving news is the big reason for declining viewership of traditional media platforms. People are more reliable on social media platforms than news papers or other traditional media.
This traditional media losing its credibility in the society especially among the youths.
Challenges -:
1. Fake news : Fake news may lead to misinformation. Usually the misinformation and fake news are spread more quickly. It must be discussed at higher level.
2. Polarization of ideologies : Due to increasing centralization in the political trending issues ideologies are also getting polarized.
3. Participation : On social media not everyone participate regularly, therefore there is unequal participation from different sectors of the society.
4. Effect on democracy : The social media use in politics can affect negatively in democratic countries like India.
Conclusion -:
To share political view or information social media has become a significant way. Social media platforms like twitter (now X ),facebook, instagram, etc. have enabled to politicians as well as to general public engage or contact directly. Social media give shape to the public thoughts through many ways.The truth behind every news must be crucially examined.