Global Warming 



Article on Global Warming 

Due to various socio-economic factors, the Earth is getting warmer year by year. According to experts, since 1900, the whole planet has warmed up only by around 0.8 degrees Celsius. By the end of the 21st century, however, global warming is likely to cause an increase in the Earth’s temperature of around 2-5 degrees Celsius. It has led to Climate Change with frequent changes in the Earth’s weather, which is harmful to the planet.

Factors leading to global warming

As the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere (air) is warming up, the gases in the atmosphere are unable to prevent heat from leaving the planet. Due to large-scale de-forestation, we have too much carbon dioxide, methane and other gases that are holding in too much heat.

Impact of human activities on Global Warming

We do some things in everyday life that create much more gas than needed in the Earth’s atmosphere. For instance: burning oil, gas, and coal for energy for our cars, our homes and industry. This creates too much greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.

Climate change is causing extremes of hot and cold weather. This can harm the plants and animals of the Earth and it may even cause more extreme storms and droughts. 

Step to slow down the warming

We can begin by using less energy in our own home, school or church. Let’s make it a habit to turn down our heat, turn off lights and electronics. Let’s reduce our dependence on our vehicles, and walk and car pool more. Also, let’s go for renewable energy such as wind power and sun power, and recycling as it uses less energy. Buying energy-efficient LED bulbs is another good idea. They last 25 times longer and save 75% of energy compared to incandescent light bulbs. We also need more forests, as they soak up some of the greenhouse gases that warm up our Earth. So, more and more tree plantation drives are needed.

The responses of India to Climate Change

Ahead of UN climate conference in December 2016, India has rightly said that the developed countries should not only talk about mitigation through emission cuts but also lay greater emphasis on adaptation and extending adequate finance and technology to poor nations so that they can prepare themselves for the adverse effects of climate change.

Union environment minister Prakash Javadekar said adaptation was vital to respond to the impacts of climate change. He said adaptation, capacity building, and strengthening rural communities would be the top priority for the government to address the challenges posed by climate change.


We must enhance the understanding of the interconnectedness between climate change and the nature around us. We should strive for the possible mitigation options which could be a sensible combination of technical and social adaptations that would be required to deal with the consequences of global warming. According to a 1991 report to Congress by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming, the U.S. could reduce current emissions by 50 percent at zero cost to the economy as a result of full use of cost-effective efficiency improvements. We should stop using fossil fuels in the way we presently do, otherwise, the amount of carbon we will release will soon exceed the amount of carbon in the living biosphere. We must achieve a major increase in renewable energy use to help offset the ill-effects of global warming. Clearly, apart from the initiatives by the government and voluntary organizations, complete people’s participation and efforts are needed to check the menace of global warming.

Author: SONIYA TALREJA, a Student of Indore Institute of law

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