Author : SANSKRITI BHATIYA a student of Alliance school of law
Fact states that at least 70 percent of juveniles that commit crime are at least suffering from one mental disorder . The mental health of an individual plays a very significant role in deciding an individual ‘s precipitation about life and what he is going to do next . This article deals with how the juvenile’s mental health and the action he commits are closely interlinked . Juvenile is a legal term for a minor as specifically in India . juvenile delinquency describes a person below the specific age mostly constituted as a minor does something which is criminal in nature and engages in illegal activities . to drug abuse to even commiting rapes and murders there were cases where juvelines have been found guilty most of time they have been prosecuted . the mental health of an individual includes their social , physical and mental well being. Most kids who lack these three criteria in their lives have high chances to indulge into this type of heinous activity.
Use of legal jargon
The most common legal jargon during the process when a juvenile is in the conduct is adjudication , disposition, and prohibition.
Juvenile delinquency is a serious issue which is interlinked with mental health by numerous facts and data. Teenagers with mental health issues have been mostly interlinked with juvenile delinquency. Deviant behaviour like substance abuse is the crucial element of being surrounded by mental illness. According to report published by organisation like National alliance of mental illness approx 70% juvenile is being diagnosed by one or the other mental illness.
This article will deal with how mental health of an juvenile and juvenile delinquency is interlinked.This article also contain laws and reforms regarding juveniles delinquency and various other factors associated with it .
In the past few years , in India there has been recognition of the interlink of juvenile delinquency and mental health in the Indian scenario. Juvenile delinquency stands for minor behaviour being considered as deviant or criminal in nature which leads to illegal activities to drug abuse to even heinous crimes . juvenile delinquency is an issue with many aspect with includes socio economical and environmental and even parental factors .the reason behind it can be diverse to poverty , illiteracy, lack of parental support, domestic violence and even child abuse .however reserach conducted in past few years have highlighted the effect of how mental health plays a very significant role in all of this. Mental illness such as ADHD , anxiety disorder,substance abuse disorder is commonly found in juvenile delinquents. Youths suffering with mental health problems are being underrated in India . facts and data shows how juvenile offenders have a high amount of mental health disorders . The profound impact on mental health issues in juveniles being untreated is being seen in the crime rate in india. We as people are mostly under educated about topics such as mental health . Even after 70 years of independence we are lagging behind in it . The untreated mental disorder triggers the deviant behaviour more in the juvenile. Not being able to cope up with their stress leads them to criminal activities .this behaviour later even effect the society as the whole.
Despite the high growth of mental illness connection among juveniles there is a higher amount of stigma and glorification of traditional Indian norms in the society . very little access and awareness about mental health services specifically in rural areas where mostly offenders come from is very evident in nature . a person struggling mentally is mostly seen as weak and even shamed in the society .
Juvenile justice act is the act in welfare of children and gives a ray of hope to them . it is made to typically address the crime committed by an individual below 18, specifically minors who are in conflict in law . The main motive of the juvenile justice act is to make them responsible and productive members of society and give them another chance for life . juvenile justice stands at a very different state than the adult criminal justice system . it is designed in a way which provides moral support and counselling .
Psychologists should continuous help the children going through all of this.while dealing with this kind of cases which involves small children should not include media and litigation
.In the case law of sheela barse vs union of india it is stated that a children below the age of 16 should not be in jail .
Kids who are in conflict with law should get mental health support and should be in governmental priority . To stop juvenile delinquency we also need to focus on individuals mental health .
- From what age does a individual is not a juvenile ?
Answer : from the age of 18 and above the individual is not a juvenile
- Which year juvenile Justice reform come into existence?
Answer : from the year 2015